Chapter 2: The beginning Of Violet Journey

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When it was 6 years later,Violet was 13 years old. She was still living with her Aunt.

"Good Morning Aunt Rose,"said Violet.

"Good morning sweetie,"said Aunt Rose.

"It's almost my birthday you know,"said Violet.

"Yeah I know and I got something for you I know it's too early but I think you will love it,"said Aunt Rose.

Then she got this box out of her pocket.

"Here sweetie happy early birthday this was from your parents,"said Aunt Rose.

"OMG It's my mother's necklaces that has there faces,"cried Violet

The necklace was shaped as a heart and has her parents in the heart. It was shiny gold like the sun and it remind her when her parents went to Disneyland and they went on a ride and it was the teacup from alice and wonderland ride and she love when it spin around and she see the beautiful shining sky. And her mother and father were laughing with her and they said I love you my shining flower my beautiful growing steam. That was the last happy memory.

"I got a question Aunt Rose, what happen to my parents I know you said when I'm older but I really need to know?,"said Violet.

"Ok I will tell you ,Violet please sit down for this,"said Aunt Rose.

Then Violet sat down and she heard the bad things that happen to her parents.

"What but I didn't went to the funeral or say my last goodbye and did you caught the guy who did it,"said Violet furiously.

"Well I went to it because you were still young and you did said your goodbyes when I called your babysitter I told her to put you on and I told you to say goodbye mommy and daddy and to say I love you,"said Aunt Rose

"....."silently Violet but was crying.

"Also we haven't caught him or her because this one is a serial killer and never got caught so please don't give me a hard time because they closed the case but I'm still looking for him or her ok," said Aunt Rose.

"Ok," said Violet.

"Ok just go to bed it's getting late,"said Aunt Rose.

"Ok thank for the present and telling me the truth,"said Violet.

"Your welcome sweetie and if you want you can sleep with me and I can tell you stories about your mother,"said Aunt Rose.

Then that night she found out something special. When she was getting ready she has powers.


"OMG Violet you have powers I'm so proud of you sweetie,"said Aunt Rose.

"You not scared of me,"said Violet.

"No because you can that from your mother and father,"said Aunt Rose.

Then Aunt Rose started to tell the story about her parents and Violet was surprise and liking the story. Then the went to separated beds .

The next day, Violet plans to get revenge and justice on the person who killed her parents. Then Aunt Rose made breakfast after she went to find her friend and tell her bestie what happen.

"Wow,"said Dj.

"Yeah I know right," said Violet.

"Ok let's go find this person who killed your parents,"said Dj and Violet at the same time.

Violet and Dj went to a store to get some stuff and disguise. After shopping they went to there hideout and called their school and said that they are both sick. Then got in there disguise and got there plan. Violet is named Rebel as her disguise.

And DJ is just DJ and then they both went to another store to get a map and then went back to their hideout and then made a plan. All day they were planning to where her mother's killer was. So Violet went home and she was just by herself at home safe and sound. Then it was time for dinner and Aunt Rose was home with food. Violet was so hungry and just sat there at the dinner table.

"Hey Violet how was your day today at school,"said Aunt Rose.

"Umm.... Good,"said Violet

"Hmmm... Really,"said Aunt Rose curiously

"Umm...yeah wow would I lie to you,"said Violet

"I don't know but I saw you today at a park with DJ,"said Aunt Rose

"Umm,that can be anyone you know,"said Violet

"Hmmm,ok then this isn't you in this picture right,"said Aunt Rose

"Yeah ummm... I got to do homework bye,"said Violet

"You're in big trouble young lady,"said Aunt Rose

Then she went quickly into her room and and think to how to get the case file out of Aunt Rose room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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