Inner fights

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Sounds could be heard all over the place as if they were whispering in my ear. The fact that the noise sounded so familiar is a mystery in its own.

The sounds increased in numbers like a roaring lion when being threatened.

It all seems so blurry and the sounds yet again increase, but this time I could remember. Where have I ever heard those sounds? It's as if the longer I hear the sounds the more I start to realize that they are almost identical to people's screams.

My vision is still blurry and I can't seem to remember anything, but I feel like I'm forgetting something Important.

I hear it, a name so familiar, just who's it from?

Wait... my vision is clearing up and I can see a figure close to me. I realize it was my own hand. I'm breathing heavily and I can still hear the sounds and the name of a person.

I can't move... Why can't I move? It hurts... My body won't listen to me...

After a few hours struggling to move I could finally get up on my own only to be pierced by a menacing glare. As I look around I can see fire all over the place... But now everything went silent.

I stood up and looked around... It seems to be night time and I decided to take a look around.

From what I could see I was in a small town located at the outskirts of a huge city that could be seen in the distance.

Again, I felt a strange menacing glare but this time it felt different. It seems that whatever it is, it was close. A chill ran down my spine and my throat seems a little dry. As I turn around, I saw my miserable self thrown on the floor again.

Something kicked me. But, where is it? Again I stood up only to be thrown back down.

Whatever it is, it's making me mad. As I restlessly look around for the culprit, a shadow appeared instantly only to disappear in the darkness again.

I could sense a killing aura directed at me. I turn around once again to find a beast like animal take a bite out my arm. I pushed it away and punched it to death until my hands were soaked red.After that i walked away from this bloody corpse.

I honestly must say that it felt good killing the beast, it felt as if i've let go of something. Something had been pushed to the back of my mind. A relieving feeling came over  me. Only to be accompanied by a strong sense of despair.

Why? Why was i feeling like this? I finally understood this feeling when i looked a the beast again. Which was not a beast, but a person.

Again despair came over me as i kneeled on the ground and cried as hard as i could. Although it was all I could do, knowing that it was far to late. Because once i looked at face of the person, i realized that the thing i killed, was non other than myself...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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