Chapter One

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*Hehe look at that cute little strawberry and cream cheese toaster strudel chocolate chip muffin glazed donut.*

Tori's on her bed watching you play with Rico on the floor. You kiss his chest and laugh while she continues to watch you two. You look up and meet her eyes but she doesn't break eye contact.

"What?" You say while chuckling. She gets off of her bed and crawls on the floor towards you.

"Um, excuse me Rico." You tell him lightly pushing him away as Tori straddles you. She looks in your eyes as she places her hands inside your shirt and lightly rakes her nails across your stomach.

"Mmm, Tori." You say as your breathing unevens.

"Yeah?" She whispers at your neck lightly nipping.

"It's 2 a.m. and your family is in the house." You say grabbing her hands. She stops what she's doing and grinds into you.

"Mmm, so?" She replies making you let out a throaty moan.

"Tori." You say while letting go of her hands and gripping her hips. Tori grinds into you again and rakes her nails across your stomach again.

"Y/N." Tori moans out throwing her head back.

"Shit." You say harshly gripping her hips.

"Y/N!" Tori grunts and continues grinding-

"Y/N, wake up. Hey, you need to take your brother to the bus stop." Mom says nudging me but I don't move. "Get up Y/N."

"I'm up." I say grumpily yanking the blanket off of myself.

"Relax." She says walking out of the room and going back downstairs.

I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes but it's not working. I slam my hands back onto my bed and huff out in annoyance. I take a deep breath to calm down and look at Y/S/N sleeping peacefully.

"Of course, you're the baby. You don't have to get up and stop your dream." I say lowly looking back at the ceiling.

I hear Y/B/N moving around in his room so that means he's still getting ready. I reach out to grab my watch off of the window sill and check the time, '5:10 a.m.'. It's way too early for me to be up right now, like what the fuck? What kind of human voluntarily gets up at this time?

"Ugh" I groan still laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I faintly hear my music still playing on my iPad Mini.

"Tori Kelly, you are the sole reason I could possibly be happy for this early in the morning." I say grabbing the tablet and pausing 'Celestial'. I sit up and just admire my lock screen for a minute.

Tori, whoever gets the opportunity to make you happy for the rest of your life should be forever grateful. I know I would, but I'm just me and and you're you.

I sigh thinking back to my dream while setting the iPad on my pillow and get up to go to the bathroom. When I turn on the lights I should've expected them to burn my eyes out of my skull but I didn't prepare myself.

"It's too early for your shit, lights." I say getting mad sitting on the toilet.

When I'm done, I wash my face and brush my teeth. After, I attempt to fix my bedhead, but it's not working out right now. I decide to throw it up in a messy bun. Once I'm done with my routine, I just stare at my reflection.

"Damn, Y/N, lay off the 'Adventure Time'." I say looking at my tired eyes.

Honestly, it's amazing what one hour of sleep does to the human body. Gotta cut back and get more sleep though. I think to myself walking out of the bathroom and shutting off the lights.

I walk across the hall to Y/B/N's room and tap on the door.

"Two minutes, I'll be downstairs." I say through the door and turn around to walk down the stairs.

I turn on the stair light and walk down only to be met with Mom and Dad grabbing their things.

"We're leaving, we'll see you in the afternoon. Be careful walking since it's dark." Mom says kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, you guys too." I say grabbing my sweater.

"Love you." Dad says walking out the door.

"Love you too" I say as he closes the door behind him.

I set my sweater on the chair and walk to the fridge and grab a bottle of green tea. As I'm walking out of the kitchen, Y/B/N is walking down the stairs.

"You ready?" I ask setting my tea on the table grabbing my sweater.

"Yeah, let's go." He says grabbing a bottle of water out of the pantry. I just put on my sweater over my sports bra and grab my tea along with my keys.

"Mmkay, go ahead." I tell him so he can go first and I can lock the door. 

The walk isn't far, it takes about 5 minutes to get to the stop considering we live at the front of the apartment complex.

"If you need anything, call me. I'll see you in the afternoon." I tell him as I see the bus pulling up.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He says walking on the bus.

I take a sip of my tea and walk back home. By the time I get back home, it's already a quarter to 6 and Y/S/N is usually up by 7. Since it's still early, I decide to shower so I can start my day. When I walk in our room, I hear my dog snoring loudly in his kennel so I won't have to wake him to walk him until I drop Y/S/N off at her stop.

I walk to my bed and set my phone down but grab my iPad and the speaker and take it all to the bathroom. I turn on the light and the shower so it can warm up a little bit. As I give it time, I close the door and strip out of my clothes.

I turn on the speaker and unlock my iPad and put on 'Bring Me Home' by Tori. As the she starts strumming the guitar, I get in the shower and relax under the water waiting for Tori's voice to fill the small room. As soon as her voice consumes the space, I lose all track of time.

It's funny how someone can do that to another person. How someone can have such a deep and everlasting impact on somebody else.

Everyone has that one specific special person that makes them feel like this. Most of the time it's usually someone already in their lives. Other times, it's someone completely out of their grasp. For that reason, I admire people who already have their special somebody present in their lives that makes them feel some type of way.

Unfortunately for me, that person for me is Tori Kelly, a Grammy-nominated artist. Someone who doesn't even know or will ever know that I exist.

I made the mistake of falling for a girl that I can't possibly be with in this world. That I can't ever get a chance to know on any sort of personal level.

Be careful with your heart because feelings ruin lives. I wasn't careful and now this is where I am.

A/N: New book, you guys. Short first chapter to see where this goes. Stay Dope. XO 🤘🏼

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