Chapter Two

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Chapter Two--The Hogwarts Express

When we made it to Kings Cross, Aimee and I said goodbye and ended up sat in a compartment with Aimee, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and Misty Flint. We had picked up Luna and Misty on the way, they were some of the girls that made up the main 'clique' around Hogwarts.

Aimee was impossibly pretty, with her long dark hair down to her waist, baby blue eyes and full lips that any model would trade their soul for, all the boys in our year wanted her, but she had no interest except for Dean. She was a bit of a worried though and I think that's the main reason she doesn't really date anyone else, there was that one month in second year where she had a thing with Pansy Parkinson's brother, Taylor, but that didn't last. She said he was too intelligent and intense about schoolwork (her fault for daring a Ravenclaw). The same characteristics that made Aimee annoying were the ones that drew you into her. Her worrying endeared people to her, mostly when she worried you wanted to just give her a hug and tell her to calm down, other times you kind of felt like hitting her in the face, but everyone loved her all the same, the damn Hufflepuff effect..

Luna Lovegood used to be a bit odd but in her fifth year (our sixth) she really came into her own. Her white blonde hair waved past her shoulders and down her back, her grey eyes had a misty look that made her constantly look as if she was daydreaming. In her fifth year she started fill out a little an the after effect was gorgeous curves that we were all jealous of. It wasn't just he looks that change.. She had been strange before but ever since her Dad sadly passed away, she started loving with the Flint's and Misty had taken her under her wing. Luna was now a lovely, funny and bubbly person. We absolutely adore her.

Ginny Weasley was naturally the 'popular' type. Growing up with a load of brothers made her tough, so she was great at quidditch, didn't let anyone get to her and had a wicked sense of humour. She loved to prank people and was really intelligent. She really was the golden girl.. Her red hair was stunning and only made we bright green eyes stand out even more, she could have been a model, she was that pretty. But her life ambition was to be a professional quidditch player. Ginny is the group 'slut'. Even though that title is undeserved, me and her are on equal standings. Guys found her attractive but never wanted to stay in relationships with her, you'd think that'd hurt but it suits her just fine.

Misty Flint was our blondie. Her golden hair was currently straight and shoulder length, but she changed the style all the time. She really was a 'dumb blonde' she forgot everything, when she was supposed to be at Charms class she would show up at Potions or somewhere else, we have to keep permanent watch on her to make sure that she isn't doing something else stupid. Her eyes are a deep blue colour that is almost purple, they're really quite fascinating. Despite her forgetful nature she was one o the most dependable and trustworthy girls I knew, she would never tell anyone your secrets and is fiercely loyal, that's why she's a Gryffindor..

And Me.. Avalon Greengrass, I have auburn hair that teaches just past my shoulders and is uncontrollably curly, my eyes are green with flecks of orange, I am a Gryffindor. I don't know how to describe myself so you will have to pick up things about me as we go along.

'Hey Laney?' That's me, they couldn't think of another nickname that I didn't hate, then one day we watched a muggle TV show that had a girl called Laney in and after that the name stuck.

'Yeah what's up Misty?' I ask lookin up at her.

'Are you-em- I mean is Draco-well is he coming back this year?' She asked blushing and I could tell they'd all been wondering about him.

'I don't know, we haven't talked since the end of last year..' I replied, it's true we hadn't.

'Oh I just wondered if you guys were finally going to make it official? The whole school knows you were seeing each other last year so why not?'

'I don't think we will, we had fun but we both knew it wasn't anything serious we said so right from the beginning..' We had a casual fling but had both agreed when we started it up that it wouldn't be anything serious, problem was that I started to fall for him.

'But you seemed so happy! Even he seemed happy, he stopped being a douche to everyone and even stopped some of the Slytherins from bullying Neville!'

'I know, we were happy and things were working out fine. But we agreed it was casual and only for a short time. I don't think he's going to be running to me this year, not if Pansy Parkinson keeps draping herself over him anyways' I shuddered, I hated the idea of him being with her, she was a downright bitch and he knew that, yet he always went back to her for more (sex that is).

'Oh Laney! Don't worry we will find you a hot date to take your mind off him' typical Ginny. Her favourite motto was to get over one boy you have to get under another, I can't say I disagree.

'Well girls I already have someone in mind' I smirked as they all stare at me waiting to hear who I was planning to 'get under'.. They really love getting the gossip.. 'Has anyone else noticed that Blaise Zabini has got a sneaky hot quality?' They all looked at me with their mouths agape. 'What?' I asked innocently, 'he's geeky hot!' I defend myself.

'But Laney he's Draco's best friend!' Luna exclaimed.

'All the better, I get over Draco and I also get to show Draco what he could have had!'

They all looked uncomfortable 'that's a really bad idea babe' this time it was Aimee that spoke. 'We all know that Draco not wanting anything serious bothered you but this isn't the right way to show him he was wrong!'

'Guys relax, I'm by going to use Blaise, he's cute and I think I could really start to like him a lot if I gave him a chance..'

Time to put my plan into action..

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