Hey my name is Marie. I'm 16 and I just moved here with my mom from Tennessee. I had a lot of friends back home and I'm hoping I'm make some here at Atlanta. My first day at school,I was so nervous cause I didn't know my way around. This girl was wa...
This is when my mom was pregant.Me and my went shopping the baby girl because its been a few months and Jayden was due in 7 weeks. We got her some outfits and shoes. Me and my mom was so happy,I was really happy because I'm going to be a big sister and I can hold her and spend time with her.**************************** 7 weeks came and my was in labor while I was at school so I left with nothing to say and Jana came along. We reached the hospital and I was crying cause I was holding my little sister and I was happy. Jayden grew up fast. Jayden is 6 years old now and she's in first grade. I go home everyday just to see her and to give her hugs. I love my sister I told Jana when she came over to see her. Jayden had long brown hair and hazel brown eyes, she was an Angle cause of how pretty she is. I took Jayden with me to the mall because our mom was at work. We ate a lot of food and I let Jayden get anything she wanted , I payed with my cleaning money. We went home she took a bath and I took a shower and after I got out I put her to sleep and I went to lock the door cause my mom has a key so I locked the door and went to sleep.**************************** The next day we went to school I dropped off Jayden then I went to school. My friends were mad at me cause I spent more time with Jayden more than, so I said how about after I pick up Jayden from school and take her home we can go see a movie okay. They said ok with sad looks on their faces 😥😥😥😥. I picked up Jayden and took her home and then me and my friends went to see a movie. When the movie was over we all went home and I went to sleep when I got home cause I was tired so instead of me locking the door my mom did.************************** Me and Jana went to another Chris Brown concert and I weared this .

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And Jana weared this .

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I was like girl you look bad. She said thanks and said I look good and bad. When we went to the concert it was turnt and Chris Brown was cute.

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After the concert I went home and so did Jana. I locked the door and took a shower, put my hair in a bun and tied it up, then I went to sleep.*************************** The next day me and Jana wearer this at school.
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We found out that Michael and Liam moved , we were so upset 😥because those were our friends and they moved. I broke up with my boyfriend. It was like everything was changing around me. But I still had my FAM to live,die,and be their for. Love you FAM !😍😍😍😍😍