Last Fight

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You slammed the door behind yourself as the anger filled your mind and made your ears ring with blood. You ran down the stairs and stormed out of the apartment building. You heard Bucky screaming your name from an open window of his apartment, his voice was full of rage and sadness, but you didn't care. You came home and couldn't sleep that night thinking about what happened and having a strange feeling of emptiness from losing something you felt like you could never get back. It scared you, and you almost jumped up when you heard the phone ring, saving you from the haunting thoughts. You rushed to pick it up in hopes to hear Bucky's voice, but your heart stopped when you answered. It was Steve. Your eyes widened as you listened to him speaking, you ran your hand through your
hair and felt tears filling up your eyes making everything go blur when you remembered,
and immediately regretted, the last thing you said to Bucky, realizing it was the last thing he would ever hear from you. You froze and burst into tears as you wondered what would've happened if you turned back when you heard Bucky screaming your name last night or even worse, what wouldn't have happened...

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