John cena and rosa mendes Part VII

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Now that John cena and kaitlyn had sex again will rosa know about this ?

One month later 12:00 AM

Rosa : ohh shit I think that the baby will be born soon

Rosa calling John on the phone

Rosa : John the baby is ready to be born

John : okay I'll come over there in 13 mins

13 mins 12:13 AM

John : rosa are u there ?

Rosa : YES hurry John

John : okay

13 mins later 12:26 AM

John asks the doctor

John : hey doc will rosa be all right ?

Doctor : yes she is fine

John : when I can see her doc ?

Doc : in 2 hours okay

2 hours later 2:26 AM

Rosas room

John : hey honey how's our kid

Rosa : good he's sleeping peaceful

John : what should we name our kid ?

Rosa : what ever you want ?

John : okay what about Miguel roucka ?

Rosa : yes yes John

So rosa and johns kid name is Miguel roucka and will kaitlyn be jealous about this ?

John cena and Rosa mendes (DONE)Where stories live. Discover now