Pregnant with a vampire baby

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chapter one

"How does this look Alex"? I set down my notebook and looked up at Corey my best friends who was twirling around in a short dress that was gold. "Good I guess". I begin to chew on my pencil when she smacked my leg. "Good I guess, come on you can do better than that"? I laughed and looked back. "You should wear your hair down". She smiled as she applied more lip gloss. she pulled the clip from her hair and giggled. "Perfect, now what are you going to wear"? I laughed and looked down at my sweatpants and jacket. "Your kidding right"? "No you have to go"!  She tossed me a black mini dress with zebra prints on it. "Does all your clothes have prints on it"? "Maybe". She said as she applied her 10th coat of blush. "Corey wow your going to look like a clown"! "Good because I heard clowns are in this year"! We laughed a good laugh as I stepped into the dress. "Zip"? "Yes mam"! We laughed again but cut it short when my bedroom door opens and my older brother Mike steps in. "Wow Corey you look beautiful"! Corey twirls her hair and giggles one of those school girl giggles. I clear my throat. "Mike what do you thing about me'? "Yea you look alright". He says all eyes still on Corey. She smiles and eyes me. "I forgot your makeup"! She shouts half crying. She kicks my brother out the door and quickly throws me on the bed.

"Stay still". She applied, mascara, lip gloss, blush, foundation, and lotion. "Why Lotion"? I ask as she grabs her coat and bag. She tosses me my coat and bag and smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "Because it makes your skin feel so soft"! I laugh as we exit my room and head down stairs where my mom and dad is watching wheel of fortune. "Don't worry I got this"! She walks over and sits by my mom. "Hey Mrs. Harris I was wondering if I could take your daughter to a quite little party on Maine street"? I roll my eyes, she sound like a guy asking my parents for permission. They say something I don't hear and Corey quickly joins me in the dark corner smiling from ear to ear. "Come along my darling we have a party to get to"!

I laughed as we stepped out into the cold night air. But before I kissed my mom and dad goodbye. I followed her to her red mustang. I open the door and hop in the same time she does. She starts the engine making it roar to life. I laugh as she turns on the radio to 96.5 where Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus was playing. Soon after that it felt like 40 different songs came on before we pulled up to Main street. "Get ready'! Corey says as she opens the door for me. I smile. "For what'!? I ask kind of nervously. "For your first college party"! And probably my last. I think as I enter the house.

Chapter two

As U walk into the house music floods into my ears making me scream inside my head. Corey starts dancing and grabs me by the hand and hands me a red cup. "I don't drink". She shrugged her shoulders and walked away leaving me with a group of drunk people. I watch as girls dance and sing and of course get refills on the red cup. I roll my eyes and look to make sure Corey Is not around so I can pull out my book. I headed for the couch were luckily no one was there. I opened my Twilight book and begin reading quietly to my self.

"What are you a party pooper"? I close my book and dint look up because I knew it was Corey. "Corey I".... I stopped in the middle of my sentence and looked up to see a guy about 6"11 with blonde hair and bright green eyes. "Oh Corey you must be waiting for a guy". He took a seat by me and propped his legs on the coffee. "No actually he is a she and she's my friend she forced me here". He chuckled and put his arm around me. "If you will excuse me I see her right now". As I walked away I felt his bright green eyes watching me very quickly.

unknowns P.O.V

I watch as she walks away leaving me all alone I watch as she joins a friend who is wearing a short mini dress. I stood up and walked toward them. "Give me the keys this guy totally was hitting on me". "Sorry Girl who were just so pretty and I was just wanting to have a conversation with you, because you are the most beautiful girl in the room.

Alex P.O.V

Did he just call me beautiful?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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