After Tatiana got ready she went towards the gate of the castle where Theresa was already waiting for her, when she got there Theresa was with her little brother Pete
"Hey Theresa look"-said Pete with a childish tone.
"What do you want? can't you see Im waiting for Tatiana!?"-she replied coldly
"Look Sist is a dragon egg!"- he said excitedly
"What!? What the heck are you doing with a dragon egg!? Where did you find it!?"-she asked now completely amazed at her brother
"I found it in the forest, it was alone I didn't saw the nest"-he replied nonchalantly
"Well put it where it was we don't want more dragon problems"-she replied remembering the past
"But...but"-he said with a now sadden voice
"Go!"-she demanded
Pete went back to the forest sad thanks to his sister. When Tatiana got there she asked
"what was that about?"
"nothing forget about it"-she replied avoiding her gaze
"okay?"-Tatiana replied confused
After that they got out of the castle and went past through the village towards the entrance of the forest. They had done this every saturday so Tatiana could learn how to hunt.
"Was your brother holding a dragon egg?" Tatiana tried asking again
"...yes but stay quiet we don't want more dragon problems"-she replied coldly once again
"Okay..."-promised Tatiana
"Are you ready for the tournament?"-she asked trying to change the subject quickly
"Sure I am" Tatiana said it in a sarcastic way-
"You know Im not, its just stupid that I have to be married before 24! I can rule the kingd..."
"Wait" Theresa said cutting her off
"Did you hear that?"-she asked
"I hear nothing" Tatiana said worried
"Exactly is quiet to quiet..."
Then from the back something was climbing a tree, it was Sabor. Sabor was an evil jaguar that has been terrorizing the kingdom, she goes to the village at night hunting for human flesh. So far she has killed four people and let a man without a leg.
"Run!" Theresa said anxiously
Theresa shot an arrow but it was to late Sabor jumped and attacked them, they fell down from their horses. Estella went running away but It was to late for Theresa's horse, Sabor started eating her up which left Tatiana and Theresa in shock as they watched in silence the beast eat the pour animal. But soon grew worried as the beast looked straight at them, hungry for more.
"What the heck are we gonna do?"-Tatiana ask in a frighten way
"Kill it"- Theresa said while taking and arrow out of her arrow carrier
Then Sabor stopped and looked at them preparing to kill.
" Do you have a plan" Tatiana asked worriedly
"Yes" and she went running away through the bushes
"What the hell!, didn't you said we were gonna kill it!?"-Screamed Tatiana as she watched her best friend leave her alone with a man eating beast.
It was just Tatiana and Sabor facing each other, Tatiana took out her sword expecting the worst and then Sabor attacked! but Tatiana was to fast and moved away and in the process cut Sabor's leg. Sabor looked at her, eyes filled with rage as blood oozed from her leg, like saying now this is personal. Suddenly she saw Theresa on a tree aiming at Saber with her bow and arrow, that's when she knew the plan Theresa was using her as bait! Sabor knew that Tatiana was looking at the tree and when Theresa shot the arrow Sabor broke it and attacked Tatiana. She fell down the bushes. Theresa couldn't see what was going on the only thing she could see was the bushes moving and hear roars from Sabor then suddenly there was silence.
"Tatiana!" she screamed thinking the worst has happened
"Tatiana answer me!"-she screamed again turning hysterical
Then she saw sabor's body coming out
"Not today!" Tatiana screamed in a joyful way
"Are you ok!?"-Theresa asked climbing down from the tree in a hurry
"Yeah I'm fine. We should take the body and take it to the castle"-Said Tatiana looking at the body like a medal.
Then Tatiana whistled and Estella came back galloping towards her.
"Let's go"
Beastly Kimgdom: Once upon a time
FantasyOnce upon a time in a land called Mythica there was a kingdom called Beastly Kingdom and there was a 17 year old girl called Tatiana, this is her story...