Dobson sat at his desk, finally getting a bit of rest from his hectic morning. Ryder was certainly needy today, that was for sure. If he would ever have another day like this, Dobson knew that he would quit. That, also, was for sure.
"Dobson! Could you bring the paper in? You didn't get it earlier," Ryder said, peeking into Dobson's office. Dobson pretended to br asleep. Ryder didn't fall for it. "Dobson, you've got to get up. Because guess what?"
Dobson opened his eyes. "Yes sir?"
"You know that special percent, the percentage that does all the work? That itty bitty one percent?" Ryder said. Dobson nodded eagerly, thinking he knew where this was going. "I am that one percent!" Ryder shouted. Dobson deadpanned.
"Sir, you've done nothing all day but sit at your desk and drink coffee. In fact, you never do anything. That's me."
Ryder shushed Dobson. "There there. No need to antagonize the special one percent."
Cue Dobson's facepalm.