Louis Is Taking Control...

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Louis's P.O.V.

Being stuck in these cellars seemd like days have pasted by, but its probably only been a couple of hours. To be honest, I have no idea if its the same day or if it has been a few days. I also need blood NOW. This is actually the longest I've ever gone without blood. If I'm not helping Harry with something, I'm usually out hunting, looking for a human to feed on. My whole body has been twitching as I was sitting on the bench in my cellar. Trying to distract myself, I decided it was time to come up with a plan. Specifically, a plan for revenge. 

There is one way for my revenge. I take the necklace, but it would be difficult since I'm not the only one after that thing. I, though, know where it actually is. I had heard in Liam's mind one day that he had hit in between some books in the library. Now, it was a pretty stupid place to do it, but also kind of clever because you would never expet a necklace to be there in the first place. Another way to gain revenge, is to take the necklace, along with Paige, kill maybe Harry or Gemma, still undecided, or at least have them locked up somewhere. That sounds like a decent plan to me. 

Jesus Christ I can't take this anymore. I need damn blood! I went up towards the bars and gripped them tightly, letting my anger out on them, bending them slightly. Realizing that I can easily bend these with my strength, i bent then in ways where I can try to escape. Once I did escape, I saw that ther were two guards blocking the exit with stakes in their hands. From what I can see, those guards are Luke and Calum. I smirked as I put my hands out in front of me and zapped Luke without any warning. He gasped loudly, making Calum turn his head and look at him with wide eyes. Calum bent down quickly and tried to see if Luke was alright. Calum looked at me with shock written all over his face. He then shot up and held the stake in his hand tightly as he pointed it towards me. 

"How the fuck did you-" He was about to say but I pointed my hands towards him and he fell on the floor along with Luke. I laughed evilly as I kicked both of them aside.

"Sorry you couldn't finish that... But I got more important things to do instead of listening to you blokes." I said with a smirk. I then opened the door and started going up the stair and out of the cellars. I zoomed over towards the castle and entered. Once I did though, I started to hear some voices... shit. I quickly closed the door back closed and leaned my ear up against the door so I could hear. Even though I could hear without doing that.

"I can't believe we didn't find the wolves..." Zayn said with an angry growl. I then heard someone sigh... I think it was Liam.

"Well, I tried my best but the wolves are really good at hiding their scents and I bet there not even that far from here." Yep, that was definitely Liam.

"And you're sure the necklace is still in the library right?" Good, it was still there.

"I'm positive. It's in between the books that Harry wrote. Paige or anybody else would never touch those since he wouldn't allow it so it was a good place to put it." You're smart Payne... very smart. But not so smart for me.

"That's smart Payne." Zayn said as I heard a patting sound, probably Zayn probably patting Liam's back in praise and I rolled my eyes. They are so stupid.


Then they started laughing at some stupid joke and I rolled my eyes. I quickly opened the door and shut it quietly before heading down the hallway. When I reached the library as quickly as I could using my full vampire speed, and kicked the door down, not even bothering to unlock it.

"What the fuck?!" Oh shit... I should've checked to see if there was anybody in here. My eyes widened as I realized it was Gemma, Harry's sister. She looked completely pissed and shocked at the same time to see that it was me.

"How the fuck did you get out of the cells? Not important, if Harry finds you here he's going to be so-"

I cut her off by putting my hands in front of me and zapping her. She screamed in pain before falling to the floor and started twitching... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The same shit is happening every time I do this to a person. I threw each of the books that were blocking my way to get to the necklace onto the ground. Throwing one book down, I heard a jingle and a clanking sound. I bent down to it and opened the book where I heard the sound coming from. Using my pinky finger, I slowly took it out from the book and hung it up in my face so I can see it. As I was looking at, it shook back and forth, some of the light from the ceiling shining in my face. I twirled around a little bit more before shoving it in my back pocket. I went over to Gemma's body, her eyes still open as she looked up at me from the floor. I just smiled evilly before kicking her in the back, making her gasp and curly into a ball, groaning in pain. Just as I was about to leave, I saw Harry standing there with a shocked and angry expression on his face.

"Louis?! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER AND HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF THE CELLS?!" Harry shouted and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I started twirling the necklace around my index finger carelessly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Harry. Haven't you learned that I'm just as powerful as you are? That I can easily destroy you now that I have this..." I said as I held it up and he gasped.

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh Harold... But I would..."

Niall's P.O.V.

In the atmosphere, I sensed that something was very wrong. There was just something not right about it. I know what your thinking, how the hell can I know how the atmosphere feels? Well, it's not earth's actual atmosphere, I was just saying like my surroundings and everything else since my senses can go far and wide. Even though there was something wrong, I couldn't quite tell who or what was causing it to feel this way. I saw Paige knit her eyebrows together in confusion, probably wondering what the hell I was doing as she looked up at me. 

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