Chapter 22

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Luke's POV.

My blood boiled immensely, burning as it soared through my veins. I wasn't going crazy, everything I saw was actually there, all thanks to Beau. I wanted to understand why he would would do this, but I just couldn't. He knew perfectly well the seriousness of the situation but he still continued to mess around. I knew he was a jokester, but I didn't expect him to take things this far.

"Why?" I questioned, hurt was evident in my voice.

His face held a smirk, a sickening smirk and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

I looked at him in disbelief, my mouth hanging open slightly. I was beyond shocked, to think that Beau would even think that this was funny made my stomach churn, I was all for joking around but to pull something like that during our current situation was out of order.

"Why what, Luke?" He chuckled, his voice was low. He stepped away from the sink, slowly walking past me but not once did he break eye contact. He leant against the wall with his right foot against it whilst his arms crossed across his chest, his smirk still playing on his lips.

"You know what you're doing!" My anger soon enough over powered my sadness as I screamed in sudden rage. My emotions were all over the place, but that was nothing new, but what Beau had done just added fuel to the fire.

"Do I?" He grinned teasingly, his eyes were no longer their usual bright green. Instead they were a dull moss green that didn't look so friendly anymore.

My hands balled into tight fists by my side, my knuckles turning white. I was trying with everything in me to hold myself from lashes out on him, but his stupid smirk made it extremely difficult.

"I'm not crazy, it was all you!" My jaw clenched tightly as my hands shook slightly, I could feel the anger slowly soaring through my body with every passing second.

He pushed himself up from the wall as he began walking slow circles around me, his eyes boring into my own. His lips were pulled into a giant sly smile, everyone of his teeth on display. His behaviour was honestly scaring me, this wasn't my big brother.

"Are you sure about that?" He chuckled, inching closer to me slowly.

My breathing hitched in slight fear but I remained strong. I responded with a simple nod, keeping my face as straight as I possible could. I wouldn't let him know he was getting to me, he'd enjoy it too much.

"How'd you know you weren't just hallucinating what just happened?" He grinned teasingly. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, he was trying to get inside my head, trying to continue making me believe I was crazy but I know what I saw. And I wouldn't allow him to mess with me.

My body shook as the anger bubbled, I gritted my teeth together tightly and before I knew it, my left arm was pulled back before roughly connecting with Beau's nose. His hands instantly shot up to his now blood nose as he tumbled back slightly. I couldn't control myself, I pushed his shoulders harshly, sending him falling to the floor.

"I AM NOT CRAZY!" My lungs burned from how loud I screamed.

I was shocked, and I could tell by the look on Beau's face that he was too. But his facial expressions were soon replaced by anger. His eyes grew darker as he pushed himself up from the kitchen floor, standing right in my face intimidatingly.

"You're not crazy huh?" He smirked tauntingly, wiping away the blood that had trickled from his nose onto his upper lip.

In the corner of his eyes I could see his arm pulled back, ready to connect with my stomach but before he even had the chance to hit me, I harshly grabbed his wrist in prevention.

"What's going on in here?" Mums soft voice suddenly filled the air, the shopping bag rustled as she set them down on the floor. Thank god she's here. Beau's lips pulled into a devious smirk as he sucked in a deep breath. "Ah! My wrist! Let go!" He cried falsely.

"Luke! What are you doing!" Mum screeched. I felt her hands placed on my shoulders as she pulled me away from Beau, a look of disappointment drowning her features. I glanced behind her to see Beau with his usual smirk.

"What? No! He went to hit me!" I desperately cried in hopes she'd believe me, though I knew it was useless. Beau had always been the golden boy and I had always been the 'trouble maker'. It was obvious she was going to believe Beau.

"I didn't mum, he's been hallucinating again." He sighed dramatically, his fake act of sadness wrapping mum around his pinky finger.

"I'm not! It's been Beau this whole time! He even hid the fake blood under the sink!" I cried in utter desperation, I wasn't the bad guy here, not this time.

I harshly yanked the sink door open, hoping to reveal the blood and syringe Beau had hidden under there, but to my surprise it had gone, the only things in sight were dish clothes and washing up liquid. My eyes grew wide, they should be under there! That's where he had hidden them to!

"Luke, there's nothing there." Mum sighed, a hint of annoyance in her voice. She rubbed her hands over face tiredly, I knew she had a lot on her plate but I was not about to let Beau make me look like the bad guy.

"Mum I swear, please believe me..." I whispered, tears brimming my eyes before cascading down my cheeks. In the corner of my eyes I could see Beau with a very amused expression plastered across his face.

"Luke sweetheart, I think we should take you to see a therapist, this isn't normal." She spoke softly, her hand rubbing gentle circles on my back. My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open, I was honestly lost for words and nothing I could do or say would in anyway help in my defence.

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