Chapter 4: When three is not a crowd

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A/N: SMUT ALERT!! You have been warned.

You stay at Yixing's until after dark, talking and laughing and cuddling. When you return home, your parents are in bed so you sneak quietly to your room. You are too tired to do homework, so you climb into bed straight away, falling asleep almost instantly.

The next morning you make your way into school, feeling a happy buzz of excitement and anticipation about seeing Yixing again. As you make your way down the corridor to the classroom however, you hear the chant of "Dòuzhēng! Dòuzhēng!" (Fight! Fight!)

Your heart sinks into your stomach. Tentatively pushing open the door, you see two boys fighting in the middle of the room. The taller of them has the other in a headlock and is repeatedly punching him. The class have formed a ring around the fight, so you are unable to glimpse the faces of either of the boys.

You edge around the room, keeping close to the walls, until you reach your desk at the back. If Yixing has arrived at school yet, he must be in the crowd of people.

Or not.

The smaller boy has got free of the headlock, and pushes his attacker, who stumbles, falling across the desk in front of you. Shocked, you recoil, before suddenly realising that you recognise the boy who looks up at you with anger and humiliation in his eyes, lip bleeding and a bruise already blossoming across his cheek.

Yixing towers over Chanyeol, pinning him to the desk. You look up at him and he stares back, hurt and hate clouding his eyes and darkening his irises. You give a small shake of your head, pleading with him, and his expression changes immediately to shame and embarrassment. Turning on his heel he storms out of the classroom, leaving Chanyeol sprawled across the desk.

Pushing your chair back, you run out of the room after Yixing, catching a glimpse of him disappearing through a door at the end of the corridor. Hurrying after him, you find yourself at the top of a staircase. You run down the stairs, through the archway at the bottom, and into the dark room on the other side. There is a light switch on the wall and you flick it, the glow lighting the room just a little.

Yixing is standing in the corner, leaning against the wall with his back to you. His forehead is pressed against the stone, his hands in fists either side of his head as he punches the wall repeatedly.

You cross the room with hurried steps, pulling Yixing away from the wall and holding him against you. Tears pool in his eyes and streak down his cheeks - you gently wipe them away, pulling him to the ground and cradling him against you.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." He repeats. You silence him by placing kisses across his forehead and down along his jaw before reaching his mouth.

He pulls away, shaking his head, and you look at him with concern, pulling his chin up so you make eye contact.

"That was unforgivable," he says quietly, looking away. "I am sorry. I am disgusted at myself. I understand if you do not want to be with me any more."

"Everyone makes mistakes," you shrug, holding Yixing tighter and pressing your face into his hair, inhaling deeply. Whatever, shampoo he uses, you want it; it smells so good.

"What have I done to deserve you?" He says softly and you chuckle, stroking his shoulder. Yixing turns around to face you, and the dim light emitted from the single, dusty lightbulb casts shadows across his face that make him look dark and mysterious. He pulls you onto his lap so you are straddling him, and you cup his face with your hands, one thumb caressing his swollen, split lip. His mouth opens slightly, and you hear his breathing become more strained.

Eyes fixed on yours with an intense gaze, Yixing gently bites down on your thumb. A wave of pleasure rushes through you. His tongue traces along your skin agonisingly slowly, causing you to shiver, tangling your fingers in his hair. Pulling your thumb out of his mouth, he kisses you fiercely, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against him.

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