Jealousy= cute?

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"I'm sorry I'm late. I was caught in the trafic." says Zach while sitting down.

"It's okay." I say quckly trying to hide my irritation.

"Who was this guy?"

"Um, you know. Just a friend from school."

"Okay then. So how about going to Disneyland this Saturday?"

"I don't know if I will be ready in 3 days but I'll try!" I say smiling looking down at my coffee.

"Great! I am going to fill up my car with gas and everything and we will be set!"


"Excuse me for a second." I say to Zach.

Oh no... It's Bethany! Poor Beth.. Since she moved away she can't keep up and I've completely forgotten about her! I have to answer and tell her everything!

"Omg Bethany I missed you so much! Sorry I have been really busy these days and I didn't get the chance to give you a call!"

"Alison! I missed you too! It's okay. I'm in town and I want to see you!"

"Really? Finally I will get to see you! How about going for lunch together?"

"Yes! Also, when I got here I bumped into Sarah."


"And she told me everything about you and Zach." says Bethany in a suspicious tone. I surely didn't expect that! What do I do now? 

"Um you caught me at a bad time, can I call you later?"

"Just answer with yes or no. Is Zach there?" She knows me so damn well.


"You better call me later or else I will!"

"Okay byeee. Love youuu."

"Love you too byeee."

I put my phone down.

"Who was it?" Asked Zach.

"Bethany! She is in town and we'll meet up!"

"Oh that's great! Wow. Your 'friend from school' won't quit starring at you."

"We better go, don't you think?"


We strolled in the nearby neighborhood, which was beautful, with a lot of parks and playgrounds, where children seemed to enjoy themselves.

As far as being with Zach is concerned, a couple of occasional kisses here and there while holding hands but nothing special. It's clear that our connection just doesn't exist anymore. Although, while we where at Starbucks, Zach looked really jealous with the whole Daniel thing. Which was cute because it shows that he cares about me. Yep, and now I'm thinking about Daniel. Yeah.. good call Alison. 

"I'm going to call my mum to pick me up if that's okay." I say.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I just have to get ready to meet Bethany and I promised I would call her later, that's all."

"Okay then." He says as he kisses me once again.

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