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A mother's love is eternity. It should be treasured.

Let us all remember the sacrifices our Mothers made in order for us to step in where we stand today.

Let's not just say 'I Love You' to them when it is Mother's Day. Hence, we should do it everyday, every time.

Since the day we were born, they let us feel how much we love us. We should also do it. We should make them feel that they are also loved. That they are special.

Let's show our love to them even just on simple things.

To those who hate their moms, just remember this:

Even if you fight over some things, always remember the pain that they've got when you got born. And whenever you tell them you hate them, they blame their selves for making you angry. Whenever you've got a failing grade, they also blame their selves for not teaching you because she don't have time. When you cry over a boy/girl they also cry. When you're upset because you've got a low grade, she gets upset too. When your happy when you've won the contest, she become the happiest mom in the world.

But we never see these, because they never want us to feel bad or sorry about them. They don't tell you that when you shout at her she gets upset. When you chose your peers over her, she breakdown, because she thought that she is never good enough for you, back then she was your best friend, sister, play mate, and protector, and now she thinks that she's useless anymore. Because you have found new friends and she is no longer your best bud.

And when she gets old. You never visit her. Because you've got a new family. And it makes her sad. Because when you are young she always thought that you were the one who will take care of her when she gets old. That you would be on her side for the rest of her days. That you would make her smile everyday, help her to take a bath, help her eat, have some quality time with her, spend time with her grandchildren, play with them just like the way she plays with you back then and most of all make her feel loved all of the time. Because she is afraid to be alone.

But you chose to be with your new family. Instead to be with her.

And now that she is gone you regret it forever. That you lose the chance to be with the best person in the world.

So make them feel that you love them so much before it's too late. Because being with them means that you are also with happiness, joy, laughter, and love.

Go on, tell them how much you love them. Say sorry if you've become a stubborn children to them. Say sorry if you hurt their feelings. Because all of these years, that's all they wanted to hear...

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers out there!
You are our heroes.

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