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*thump thump*

"Hello? Anyone there?"
"Hm? Yeah! Who is it?" I ask.
"It's the mailman. I have a letter for an Adam Dahlburg?"
"Yup! That's me! I'll be right out!" I yell through the door. I run upstairs to grab pants, then open the door.
"Sorry! Thanks for the letter. Have an nice day!" I say, waving off the mailman as I walk inside.
"You too sir!" He yells back.
I sit on my desk and open the letter. Inside, it has a ticket, and a letter.
"Dear Mr. Dahlburg,
Congratulations! You have been chosen to go on a weeks long trip to California! We have already booked a five star hotel, as well as a feast prepared. You leave tomorrow, and board at six-thirty am. Hope to have you."

"What? I never entered in any sweepstakes or anything? Why would I have this?" I say aloud.
Of course.
It was probably my parents, sending me on vacation. They're so awesome to me. :3
It's decided, Im going. Look out LA! Here I come!
So this story'll be pretty cool. Im pretty excited... OH. And for this story, I actually have a plan for it. Unlike the others XD

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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