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(12th March, 2013)

"Louis, please don't leave me! We can do this Lou, please don't go!" Harry screamed, grabbing onto the boy's hand as he moved towards the door. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he so desperately tried to stop Louis from leaving.

"I don't want to." Louis stated, his face emotionless as he moved his hand away from Harry's, and reached for the door again.

Harry was confused, just yesterday they were fine together, but now Louis was acting strange; like he didn't want to be with Harry. Something wasn't right.

"I can't be with you Harry, I don't want to." Louis replied, struggling to get out of the younger boy's grasp but he wasn't nearly as strong as Harry. Harry clung onto his hand like his life depended on it, refusing to let go.

"No Lou... No... You can't leave me! You told me you wouldn't, you told me you loved me!" Harry yelled, anger evident in his voice as he stared down at the man who was supposed to love him, supposed to take care of him through everything. Louis told Harry that he wouldn't leave him if things got tough. But here he was, trying to leave him and that broke Harry's heart.

"I love you.." Harry whispered after Louis didn't say anything. Louis just shrugged, not saying those three words back to him like he had hoped. Sniffling, Harry dropped his hand and stepped back. It was no use trying to stop him, Louis was leaving and Harry couldn't do anything about it. The tears continued to roll down his cheeks, his mind was unable to process what was happening.

Louis was leaving.

Just as he stepped out of the door, Harry jumped forward, trying to stop his one true love from leaving him.

But he couldn't stop him, the boy had already left, he had just walked out of his life forever.

"NO, LOUIS NO!" Harry screamed, falling to the floor as he sobbed.


"NO!" Harry screamed, jolting awake. He quickly sat up, panting. He was crying and sweating, he was so confused and upset. Frantically looking around the room, he could see nothing but darkness and that caused him to panic even more.

"No, no, no.." He muttered, tears still rolling down his cheeks as he tried to see through the darkness. Harry tried to sit up but was stopped by a weight one his stomach.

He was lying in a bed with someone, their arm slung across his body and pulling him into their chest. In the pitch black of the night it was difficult to see who the person was, but the person was stirring slightly, Harry's screams and panicking waking them up.

"Harry what are you doing?" The person whispered, their voice still thick with sleep. Harry relaxed slightly, he recognised that voice instantly.


Louis shuffled around a bit before flicking on the bedside lamp, illuminating the room.

As soon as Louis caught sight of Harry's face, he frowned.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He mumbled, crawling over to the boy and pulling him into his arms. Harry clung onto Louis, afraid to let go in case he left. Studying Harry's features, Louis' heart fell. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. His whole body was boiling and he was sweating a lot, causing his messy curls to stick to his forehead. He looked so childlike when he was like this, so innocent and broken. Louis could sense the panic and fear that Harry was feeling, so he rubbed his back soothingly. A few tears continued to fall down Harry's cheeks and it broke Louis' heart to see his boy like this.

"Come on babe, don't cry. I'm here, shh." Louis whispered softly, humming into his hear to try and calm him down, something that usually works well.

Eventually harry stopped crying, but stayed curled up in a ball, burying his head into Louis' chest.

"What happened?" Louis asked.

"You.. You left me Lou... I didn't know what to do, I was so scared... You were gone... I thought you left me Louis... It all seemed so real..." Harry stuttered, looking up to meet Louis' eyes.

"Its okay now Haz, I'm right here, okay? It was just a bad dream, I'm here."

Harry nodded.

"I love you more than anything in the whole world Harry, always remember that." Louis reassured him. Harry smiled weakly, leaning up to place a soft kiss on Louis' lips.

"Thank you Lou. I love you too. So much."

"Let's get some sleep now, okay? You're probably tired." Louis suggested, but Harry just sighed and shook his head.

"I don't want to go back to sleep. I won't be able to." He mumbled, referring to his nightmare. Louis nodded in understanding, telling him that it was alright.

"That's fine, you don't have to. Go take a shower, I'll wait here." Louis told him, and Harry quietly agreed, walking towards the bathroom.

After harry had taken a quick shower, he walked back into the bedroom to see Louis sitting on the edge of the bed with a glass of water in his hands. He looked up at him, and handed him the glass.

"Thanks." Harry mumbled as they both crawled into the bed. They were laying on separate sides of the bed, not cuddled up together like usual. There was an awkward silence between them, before Harry spoke up.

"Louis..." He whimpered. Louis turned to look at him. He looked at Harry, who was staring back at him with sad eyes.

"What's wrong now, love?" Louis asked, reaching his hand out and placing it on the younger boy's arm.

"You're not cuddling with me... You're lying as far away from me as possible. Did I do something wrong?" He looked up at Louis, his eyes big and teary.

"No baby, of course you didn't." Louis shuffled closer to Harry. "I just didn't think you wanted to... I don't know but let's not worry about that anymore. Let's just get some sleep."

Wrapping his arms around Harry, Louis placed his chin on top of his head and held him close. Harry happily snuggled into his chest, breathing in the scent of Louis that Harry had grown to love.

"Goodnight Harry, I love you."

"Wait... One more thing." Harry mumbled.

"What is it?"

"Promise you'll never leave me?" Harry whispered. Louis smiled down at him even though he couldn't see, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I promise."


A/N: Hi guys! This is my first story on here and I'm new to this site so I don't really know how it works but um... Comment and vote or whatever!

- Estelle x

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