Chapter 30

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            Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for things, and this year, Hannah was thankful for alcohol.

"I can't believe you made him get a tattoo, Hannah," Lucy said after Hannah and Olli showed off their new tattoos.

"It was his idea to get one too, actually," Hannah defended, and poured herself yet another drink.

"What does it look like when you flex? I heard arm tattoo's change shape and you've got some pretty decent muscles on you." Bill smiled, and convinced Olli to roll up his sleeve. Yes, the bear did change shape a little, but they'd put it in the right spot and at the right angle so it wouldn't get too messed up.

Beth was fidgety and obviously was not paying attention to the conversation. They had barely arrived, and Hannah knew this was going to be a long night.

"Guess what Hannah," Beth said with a smile. "You're going to be an aunt!"

Hannah shot Olli a look and knew he was thinking the same thing she was: Kasperi. Hannah was starting to feel sick just thinking about it. First, her little sister couldn't be pregnant, that just wasn't allowed. And secondly, it certainly couldn't be with Kasperi. Hannah definitely was not okay with this.

"How." Was all she managed to say; her mind was going so fast, jumping from one incoherent thought to the next.

"While I was visiting you I missed one of my depo shots, so a few weeks after I returned to LA I went to get the next shot, and they said they couldn't because I was pregnant," Beth was still smiling, and their parents were smiling. They were so proud that their daughter had gotten herself knocked up.

Hannah could not hide her disgust and rolled her eyes. If they had known about her unplanned pregnancy three years ago, they would not have treated her they way they were adoring Beth now.

"Why are you not on the pill?" Hannah asked Beth.

"I can't be bothered to take a pill every day; besides, I'd probably forget it." Beth looked at her like she was crazy. After all, she had forgotten to get one of four yearly shots, so daily pills would probably be out of the question.

"What about an IUD? You get it put in and forget about it for three years," Hannah suggested, and received the same dumb stare from Beth.

"No, that's painful," Beth pouted.

"You know what else hurts?" Hannah stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "Giving birth!" She stormed out of the dining room.

Of course Beth could not have waited until after dinner to share her exciting news, so Hannah still had to sit through Thanksgiving dinner listening to her parents talk about Beth and her baby. Hannah made sure to drink enough to eventually tune them out, and after dessert she fell asleep on Olli's shoulder watching football with her dad.

Olli was not drinking much since he had a game the next day, and unfortunately remained completely aware of the entire situation. After thinking about it for a while, he texted Kasperi. He asked if he knew Beth was in town.

*Oh God no, why?

*Umm, you might want to talk to her


*I can't tell you. Just talk to her, okay?

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