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Her parted lips pressed against the cold, silver tinted can, it held moisture from the few sips Zayn had took before she, and she quivered at it and let off a grin and forced giggle. Zayn pressed his teeth into his bottom lip, almost hard enough to draw blood, he peered up at her with his deep brown eyes as he did so and she smiled.


She nodded and smiled back, before pushing her blonde strands behind her shoulder and leaning closer to the boy. His hair slicked back with gel, strands loosely hanging, the girl pushed them back with her slim fingers, then took one in her finger and spun around it with the tip. He laughed and sat up, she rested her palms on his knee, and he rested his atop her own hands. Her figure was then in front of him, her lips against his, and she know fumbled with her collar between her fingers.

The door opened, the music had been to loud for anyone to notice, but Zayn's eyes stared at the door open. Alora slipped through the door, no man in hand, only her. The girl's lips danced against his, her hands slipped down his body and occasionally through his hair, but his eyes only focused on the girl standing near the door, her brown dress contoured to her body, and his eyes traced the curves that outlined her body. Alora searched for a seat, and luckily, there was one beside the two of them. She walked over, un-phased, or unaware,of the two. She rested her elbows to her knees and engaged in conversations with those around her, she was so cool, and Zayn loved that. Well, liked that- he thinks.

He softly pulled away from the girl, she seemed to be out of breath, he look around and swiped his lips with a quick press of his tongue.

"I think you're drunk, sweetheart," he didn't look at her, he only looked to the side and pursed his lips. His arm lay on the are rest and he pushed back against the rear of the couch. She studied him, confused.

"I'm not, I promise," she let out a lost laugh and climbed off of the boy.

"I can taste the liquor on you, I just don't want to take advantage of you," he didn't enjoy lying to the girl, but he wanted to find a way out of the situation.

"What are you talking about?" She raised her voice, it now heightened in confusion and frustration.

"You're beautiful, but I can't do that to you. I can call you a cab, sweety," he finally looked up at her.

She bit the inside of her cheek and mumbled a few words, making her way to the back. He watched, and he was right, she was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the girl beside him.

"What kind of liquor was it?" the girl he wanted asked jokingly. He looked over to her as if he hadn't know she was there the entire time.

"Some cupcake on, I think. You know those kind of girls are into that," he shook his head, making a face of disgust.

"I thought you were sober," she cocked her head to the side, leaning her shoulder to the couch as she turned towards him.

"Trust me, I know it when I taste it, I'm sober, it doesn't mean I don't miss it."

She laughed and folded her arms," Zayn."

He hummed in response, raising his chin and looked down at her.

"They don't have alcohol today," she smirked and looked back at the ice bucket.

He paused, stunned, looking past her," maybe she got the last of it," he shrugged, trying to leave the embarrassment behind. She pursed her lips, smiling at the boy.

"I can get us a drink though," she stood up and swayed over to the ice bucket and Zayn watched, not her body, but he waited for her to turn back around to see her beautiful face.

Soon he had a cold can in his hand, he pulled the tab and pushed through the silver top, she did the same with her's, she pressed her plump lips to the rim, looking forward, he only stared toward her.

"Do you like it?"

"It's okay," she shrugged, studying the can and then looking up at the boy who couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"Okay?" He said in disbelief," it's better than anything you take on a daily basis." She only laughed, setting the black can on the ground and pushing some hair behind her ear.

"I'm sure you're wrong, you haven't had that in years."

"I remember, trust me."

"Wouldn't you love to have it again," she whispered the tainted words and it flashed through his mind. He remembers the the thick smoke and the effect the rolled herb had on him. He remembers leaning against the wall of the dorm, the girl's nimble fingers covering his mouth as he shot up. He remembers the bitter taste of the pills on his tongue and how it kept his throat dry until he swallowed down another beer. Oh god- he remembers his nose running for weeks and the bad habit he earned of rubbing his gums. He would love it. They both new that, and they both knew he missed the fuck out if it.

"Those back rooms have things in them, you know," her hand rubbed his thigh and he looked down, the need and the lust over took him. They both knew what she was doing, and they both knew he was going to do it.

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