Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I held Chase close to me. He was getting worse. He looked at me and I saw fear in his eyes. Then started shivering.
"'s so co..cold." Chase said while his teeth were chattering.
"Hey. It's ok." I soothed while rubbing my hand up and down his shoulder.
"I ju...just wan...wanna go ho...home." Chase said.
"I know. We'll get outta here. I promise." I said.
"Don..don't ma...make prom...promises you can...can't ke...keep." Chase said.
"We will get out of here. Adam and Bree will find us." I explained as I held him closer.
"But Doug...Douglas is gon...gonna put ad...Adam, br..Bree and I un..under the trit...Triton app and we can...can't st...stop it." Chase explained while shivering.
"Don't worry about that. You should probably get some sleep." I explained.
"It's to co...cold." Chase said.
"Just try. You might feel better after you get some sleep." I said.
Chase snuggled into my side and a few minutes later I heard some light snores and his body relaxing into my body. I had to hope that Adam and Bree could find us before it was too late. I put my hand on Chase's forehead and realised that his fever was rising more.
"Douglas!" I yelled in fear for my son.
After no reply, I tried again, but this time, with something else.
"Douglas Orville Davenport!"
He ran in the room and saw that it was me.
"What do you want Donnie?" He demanded.
"Chase is getting worse. You have to let him go back to the hospital!" I yelled.
"No can do Donnie. I offered to help him, but he refused." Douglas said.
"You were gonna force him into joining your side in exchange for his health!" I yelled.
"No. I was asking if he wanted to join me willingly in exchange for his health. I'm still gonna cure him, but it'll be after I put my Triton app on his chip." Douglas explained.
"He could die from this fever! And you just want him to help you with your plan?! Why would you do this?!" I demanded.
"He was my son! Until you stole him from me!" Douglas yelled.
"I did not steal him or Adam and Bree! I was rescuing them from you!" I yelled.
Then I heard Krane yell Douglas's name.
"I have to get back to work." Douglas said.
"Can't you at least give me a blanket for him?" I asked.
"Fine! But only because I care about him also!" Douglas yelled as he threw a thin blanket at me and shut the door to the dungeon. Then he left. I wrapped the blanket around Chase's arms and held him close to me. No way was Douglas gonna do this to my family. Not while I was alive.
Bree's POV.
We stopped outside of the building where Mr. Davenport's cell phone was giving off its signal.
"It just looks like a normal house Bree." Adam said.
"That's what Douglas's lair looked like back when he had Marcus. There should be some sort of lever or keypad or switch or button somewhere around here." I explained as I started feeling around the wall.
"I know! Let's order a pizza and see what happens!" Adam suggested.
"Adam." I said.
"Fine. It doesn't have to be pizza, it can be Mexican, Chinese, whatever you want." Adam said.
I rolled my eyes and continued feeling around for the switch.
"Hey look!" Adam exclaimed.
"Adam." I started, then I looked and saw that he was pointing at a big red button on the ground beside the flowers.
"What are you waiting for? Click it!" I exclaimed.
Adam knelt down and clicked it. Then the wall morphed into a door.
"You did it!" I happily exclaimed.
"Did you ever doubt me?" Adam asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Guys, focus." Leo said through the comm set.
"Ok. Come on Adam." I said as I went through the door.
Adam followed me and the door closed behind us.
"It is dark in here." Adam stated.
I pulled out my cell phone and turned on flashlight and we continued walking. When we reached the end of the hall, it started getting brighter, so I put up my phone. We continued walking towards the light, and it opened to Douglas's lab.
"Man! This place is nice!" I yelled, admiring the work he had done on the place as I gouvhed
"Bree. You are here to find Davenport and Chase. Not admire the enemy." Leo said through the comm set.
"Right! Sorry!" I yelled.
"And be quiet. You don't want Douglas and Krane to find out you are there." Leo explained through the comm.
"Got it." I said.
We continued walking until Adam stopped me with his hand.
"What?" I whispered.
"I heard a noise." Adam said.
Then I heard a noise. It sounded like someone yelling. Adam and I ran to the noise and we saw Mr. Davenport and Chase. Chase was wrapped in a thin blanket and shivering. Mr. Davenport was holding onto him tightly.
"Are you guys ok?" I asked quietly.
"I am. Chase is getting worse." Mr. Davenport said.
Then we heard footsteps.
"Hide!" Mr. Davenport yelled.
Adam and I ducked behind a few barrels and saw Krane open the door and pick up Chase over his shoulder. He screamed and Mr. Davenport yelled at Krane. Adam and I came out of our hiding spots and started fighting Krane. Adam punched him in the chest witch he didn't expect so he stumbled back and dropped Chase. I started punching and kicking Krane and Adam put Chase down beside Mr. Davenport. Krane started using his molecular kinsiese to chock me witch made Adam scream and punch him again. He stopped chocking me and I breathed heavily. Then I saw him use his molecular kinsiese to throw Adam and I into the dungeon with Chase and Mr. Davenport. I hit my head against the wall and my vision went dark and I faded into nothingness.

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