The last chapter

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Soon after Sans had woken up, the house was a buzz. Undyne was making spears, Frisk and Papyrus were receiving battle training from Asgore, and Toriel and Sans were working. Over the next couple days, Chara appeared to Sans once more. "I will come back to Earth, but this time I shall walk the surface. How exciting!" "Well, we aren't going out without a bang. Tori is already baking a victory cake for us." "Aahahahhahaha. How cute. You know you can't win Sans. My powers are stronger now. Not even you can defeat me, and you know it." "Heh, yeah right." "Oh come on Sans. You know you can't keep it from Frisk any longer, right? All those times she killed you. Watching all your friends and family die, countless times, over, and over." "STOP!" Sans screamed. "Always the same outcome Sans. Remember, it's almost time!" Sans woke up screaming. Tears rolled down his bony cheeks. Papyrus ran down the stairs. "What happened brother? Are you alright?" Seeing Papyruses face seemed to calm him down. "It's almost time."

It was the morning Chara came into the waking world. Everyone had a spear made by Undyne. "Aahahahhahaha! Such a quaint welcome party." "I know your there punk! Show yourself." Undyne said. A faint person appeared. "Now do you see me?" "Y-yeah. And y-your going down!" Alphys threatened. "Let's just get this over with." "You asked for it!" Sans said. *Megalovania starts playing* A glowing blue aura almost immediately surrounded Chara. "You think you could stop me so easily?" Chara turned the bones that Papyrus had shot at her around, and straight toward Papyrus. Papyrus quickly dodged. Papyrus fired his red bones, followed by Sans blue ones. Chara dodged them with ease. "Is that all you've got? Pathetic." Spears flew nonstop. It seemed that Undyne had a never ending supply. One hit Chara in the leg. She barely flinched. "Is she unhurtable?!?" Undyne yelled in vane. Next, Sans attacked again. He shot 8 pairs of bones at her. She turned them around and shot them straight at........ Papyrus. It was so sudden, Papyrus wouldn't be able to dodge. "PAPYRUS!" Yelled Sans. Sans teleported himself in front of Papyrus............. and took the hits. "Sans!" Papyrus said. He ran over to his brother. Sans was laying in an awkward position, arms over his head, and legs under him. "Sans!" Papyrus said again, louder. He picked his brother up in his arms. Three bones had hit Sans. That's all it took. One hit him in the chest, another hit him in the leg, and the last one hit his skull. "Heh..... guess I took those hits for ya. No bones about it." Sans said. He slowly started disappearing. "No, Sans!" Papyrus pleaded. Sans was almost completely gone. "Papyrus?" Sans asked. "Yes?" Papyrus answered. "Could you tell Chara to get dunked on?" Sans asked. "I'll do more than just that." Papyrus said darkly. "Good. She needs it." Sans disappeared completely. "Papyrus, I'm so sorry." Toriel said. "This punk is going down!" Undyne yelled. "Oh, but I'm not. And I have a little something to tell Frisk. It's not the first time she's watched Sans die. Except, I wasn't killing him, she was. Same way she killed all of you." "Is this true, Frisk?" Asgore asked. Frisk hung her head. "Yes. Many time lines ago, I went on a killing spree. Sans tried to stop me, but I was too strong. I was level twenty by then. I was unkillable. I had slain every monster. But that was long ago. I was stupid. After I killed the first monster, she took me over." From pointed at Chara. All of a sudden, Chara burst into flames. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" She screamed. Minutes later, she was just a pile of ashes on the ground. "That'll teach you." Toriel said.

A couple mornings later, they had San's funeral. It was held by the entrance to the underground. Everyone Sans knew was there. The funeral was 3 hours long. After the funeral, they tied a weight to Charas ashes and threw them into the ocean. Life didn't go back to normal. It was different without Sans puns. But, somehow, they all knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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