Part 3: Kawamis Meet

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At school/classroom

Teacher:Alya,Nino,Sabrina,Adrian,and Marinette please come with me

Marinette:Sorry Tikki but your going to have to stay in my locker

Tikki:It's ok Marinette,but can you leave me a cookie?

Marinette:Ok bye Tikki

With Adrian

Adrian:Sorry Plagg but you gotta stay here

Plagg:Leave me with my camanbare and I'll be fine

Adrian:Ok bye Plagg

After Adrian and Marinette left Plagg was eating camanbare when something small and red zoomed by caught his attention.

Plagg:No that can't be....TIKKI?!


Plagg:Long time no see

Tikki:Hey Plagg how are you

Plagg:Good and since your here mind telling me who Ladybug is.

Tikki:PLAGG!You know its a secret!

Plagg:Don't worry I wont tell him come on Tikki were BKFs(Best Kawami Friends)

Tikki:Ok its Marinette

Plagg:WHAT really,but she's so clumsy

Tikki:Plagg don't tell Cat Noir remember

Plagg:Ok but don't you want to know who Cat Noir is?

Tikki:No not reall-

Adrian walks in

Adrian:Hey Plagg did I leave my notebook in her-

Adrian sees Tikki

Adrian:ARE YOU A KAWAMI?!?!?!

Tikki:Gotta go bye Plagg

Tikki fly's off to Marinette's locker

Adrian:Plagg who was that?!

Plagg:Ladybugs kawami

Teacher:Adrian come here please

Adrian:Will talk about the whole"Ladybug kawami" later.


Hey guys i got free time so I will make part 4 comment or follow TNX!

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