Chapter 1

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Cold air tore at Danny's throat as he ran as fast as his legs would push him towards his family, friends, and Mr. Lancer. His calves screamed in protest as he tried to pick up the pace. The fight with Dark Danny had taken a toll on his body. Blood was running across his face heavily. Seeing the terror in their eyes tore at him.

He barely avoided tripping over a rock and made it to them. He struggled to untie their bindings. "Come on! Come on!" he shouted. It was no use. It wasn't coming off. His parents gave him a pleading look, wanting him to run while he could.

Tears ran down the sides of his face as he struggled. "I- I'm s- so s- sorry." he choked out. That was the last thing he was able to say to them before the machine they were bound to exploded, taking them all with them. Danny's vision went dark instantly.


Danny looked around. Everything around him was dark. 'Where am I? Am I dead?'

"No. You're not dead, child. Not yet anyways. There's still some time." spoke a soft voice.

"W- who are you?" Danny asked.

"My name is Moonflower. I'm a member of StarClan." said the voice.

Danny turned around to see a transparent silvery cat.

"You're a cat?" he asked in confusion.

She nodded.

"Yes. I'm a cat."

"What do you want from me? Where are we? How can I understand you? I need to save my family and friends!" he shouted, distraught.

"Breath, child." she instructed.

Danny took a shuddering breath.

"Now. We are currently in the space between life and death."

"The ghost zone?"

"No. It's more like limbo. You can understand me because you are a halfa. I'm sorry to say that your family and friends didn't survive the blast."

Danny choked out a devastated sob. "I failed them!" he wailed.

Moonflower looked at him sympathetically. She gave him a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking further. "I have an offer for you."

"What is it?" he asked weakly.

"I cannot save you or your loved ones in this life."

Danny winced.

"However... I can give you another chance. A new life. A new start. You would be reborn as a cat. The clans need someone like you. Someone who could make a difference." she told him gently.

"What difference could I possibly make? I got everyone I cared about killed."

"No one is perfect, child. Even the best of us can't save everyone, but what matters is that we did what we could. You tried your hardest to save them. You're a hero. And even heroes make mistakes." she said softly.

Danny sniffed a bit and stared at her.

"You may see them again. They may be born again closer than you think." she breathed.

"R- really?" he asked. She nodded. "Would I keep my powers? My memories?"

"You won't have your memories at first. But you will regain them with time. StarClan will allow you to keep your powers, although you will need to relearn your control. We trust that you will use them responsibly to protect what is important to you."

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