Chapter 4

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We finally landed at the Miami International Airport and grabbed our stuff. A new security guard greeted us and walked us trough screaming fans. We quickly got into our car, and drove to our hotel.

"You can't stop yawning, can you?" Ed asks, quietly laughing.

I shake my head no, once again yawning.

We arrive to our hotel in a matter of minutes, and I thank Ed in my mind for picking a hotel close to the airport. I take my suitcase up to my room, and immediately fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door. I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"What do you want?!" I yelled at the anonymous person banging on the door.

I opened it and saw Ed.

"Well don't you look beautiful." He said, inviting himself inside.

He's seen me without makeup, but I fell asleep in my clothes, and my hair was a mess. My makeup was smudged and ruined. I gasped at the sight in the mirror and grabbed my stuff from my suitcase while Ed talked to me.

"So today we get our tour bus. We will be getting inside the tour bus at 11 pm, and drive to Tampa, where we will have soundcheck at 3 pm, and our concert at 8. Our meet and greet is at 5, and then from that time 'till the concert, we have it off."

I sighed, not only frustrated with my unruly hair, but with the fact it was 7 am and I was extremely tired.

"What about food?"

He laughed, "we have all the time in the world for that. Don't worry. Meet me downstairs in the lobby when you're ready."

I furrowed my eyebrows, obviously confused.

"What about the fans? aren't they there?"

"Yes, but the security has it safe enough for us to be down there."

I nodded and shooed him away with my hands. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. My hair was done, so I got straight to make up.

Once I was ready, I rolled my suitcase to the elevators. A fan that was checked into the hotel saw me and asked for a picture, tears in her eyes. I smiled and snapped the photo on her phone. I waved goodbye and got inside the elevator.

"It's about time" Ed complained when he saw me coming off the elevator. I rolled my eyes and continued walking past him. I saw one of our security guards and waved. He told us to just go outside, and that everything was under control. Then he pressed a button on his walkie-talkie and said that Ed and I were now coming outside.

When Ed and I opened the doors, I nearly fainted at the sight. Fans crowded every corner. They had to close down the streets too. There were railings forcing the fans to stay away from the walkway of the door to the car. I felt bad for the fans, so I smiled and signed a couple autographs. security started pushing me away and if looks could kill, the cops would've killed me by now.

I ignored their protests and continued taking pictures. Thousands of girls (and boys, of course) yelled my name. Ed was already in the car, only because he gets scared when cops yell at him. My ears were killing me. My cheeks were too, from smiling too much. I started to breath heavily. Oh no. This always happens around big groups. Tears were now streaming down my face and I was crying hysterically. Fans screamed aw, but this wasn't cute. I was having a panic attack in front of paparazzi, fans, and security guards.

Ed ran out of the car and picked me up bridal style and put me in the car. He told the driver to start driving. My breathing was heavy, and I was still crying.

"I know the only person that can calm down your anxiety is Mark but-"

I cried out even more at the mention of his name.

"-but I really need you to calm down. You'll be ok. Everything's fine. Just breathe."

I nodded, and did as he said. I breathed and closed my eyes. After a while, Ed had played music, which did calm me down. I had my head on the window, still crying, but looking outside. I hated my anxiety. I get it whenever I feel unsafe or there's just too many people around. If I don't have a source of security, or someone I love, I get uneven breaths and I cry.

"You ok now?" the driver asked, turning the music down a bit.

I nodded and whispered thank you.

"Melanie we're almost there. You can take a nap if you'd like?" Ed suggested.

Ed only used my actual name, Melanie, if it was a serious situation. This wasn't really serious, but I'm still in a state of anxiety.

"Can we just stop somewhere to eat?" I pleaded. I was starving.

"Are you sure? there will be people and-"

"Yes I'm sure. Just stay near me ok?" I practically begged.

He nodded and told the driver to stop at the first restaurant he sees. I hated begging, and being the victim, but Ed knows how I feel right now so he'd do anything for me. Especially right now.

The driver parked into a random restaurant I don't recognize and we got out, and into the cold breakfast-style restaurant.







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