Chapter One

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"Staer! You alive?" My sister and best friend called from across the courtyard. I sighed and shut the notebook I was drawing in. I looked up at her and sighed again.

"Of course I'm alive!" I replied irritably. She came running up to me with someone trailing behind her. I raised my eyebrow at the girl.

"Staer, I want you to meet Saph. I met her today in History! She's really cool!"

I looked over at this so-called Saph. She was a few inches taller than me, had brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair. She also wore glasses. 

"She's kinda cute," I thought  to myself. 

"Hi! You must be Staer. Kyla won't shut up about you."

"I hope she says good things," I say glaring at my sister. She just laughed and walked away, probably towards her boyfriend. I looked up at Saph nervously.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm not one for social interaction." I said, nervously fiddling with my bracelet.

"Honestly, neither am I." She replied and gave a slight laugh. Her laugh is cute. She herself is cute. Wait, but I'm not gay, am I? I brushed off the thought as I realized I was staring.

"Oh! S-sorry about that. I was lost in thought..." I trailed off at the end. Being an introvert all my life, I didn't have very good abilities with speaking. We sat there in silence, and I fiddled with my bracelet.

"You're not from here, are you?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you have a Norwegian accent, so I just assumed you weren't from here," she clarified.

"Well, you're right. I was born in Reykjavik, and the accent is actually Icelandic," I replied. She looked at me surprised.

"Cool! I always wanted to meet someone born in a Nordic country@(Ignorethat) She replied. (Please ignore the at sign. Watt pad hates me) I looked at her and thought to myself, "dang she's cute". Gah! Stupid brain!

"Staer? Are you alright?"

I realized I had drifted off again, and replied quickly.

"O-oh, sorry, yeah I'm fine" I replied, mentally slapping myself. God, how am I such an idiot?

"Darn! I best be getting home" She said, looking at her clock.

"See you tomorrow, Staer!" And with that, she smiled and left. I sat there, thinking about how cute her smile is.


"So, Kyla, Staer, anything interesting happen today?" My adoptive father Arthur asked.

"Nope!" Kyla paused in shoving a burger in her mouth. 

"How about you, Staer?" 

"N-no. Just another uneventful day." He seemed satisfied with the answer I gave, and let me leave the room. I went upstairs and into my bedroom. I sat at my desk and opened my computer, where Chrome was up and displaying the entire Hamilton soundtrack. I turned it on and began drawing. I didn't know what I meant to draw, so I just let my pencil flow on the paper. An hour elapsed when Kyla walked in.

"How's it going?" She asked, peering over at my sketchbook.

"Fine, Kyla, don't you know by now not to barge in here?" She shrugged and just walked out again. I looked down at my sketchbook to find out just what my pencil had done. I found myself looking at an accurately featured sketch of the girl I met today, Saph. I slammed my book shut and sat back in my chair, Guns And Ships playing in the background. Looking up at my ceiling, I asked myself a few questions,

"Why can't I stop thinking about her? I just met her today!"

"Well," my mind answered, "maybe you like her."

I started at that

"I'm straight!"

"Or are you?" 

I slumped over my desk and buried my head in my hands. Great. I have a crush on a girl who has a 99.99% chance of being straight. Now what?


Just saying, I'm not the best author, so...

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