Chapter 2

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Maya's POV..

I was at the mall with Riley and we were looking for prom dresses. When I told her about Lucas she squealed so loud I was deaf for 5 minutes. She kept rambling on about how it was fate that we both found dates to the prom and how we could have a couples wedding in the future. She was overthinking it, but I had to admit that I have not been this exited about something in a long time.

Normally because when I do, I get dissapointed. We walked into a dress boutique and the dresses were absolutely stunning. They had every color which was awesome. I hate shopping but Riley loves it, right now she's in seventh heaven with all of these dresses hanging off of the racks. "Oh my god Maya, look at all the pretty colors" she said like she was hypnotized.

Oh my, we are gonna be here all day. It was Friday and Prom was the next day so we had today to pick the dresses and play dress up. I heard a menacing voice behind me. I turn around to find Missy and her bitch squad walk into the store with their cheerleading outfits.

"I was looking for Forever 21, not nerd 101" Missy said and her airhead friends were laughing behind her. Riley was too focused on the dresses to even hear what she said but I heard every single word. I knew that if I said something I would instantly regret it. I opened my mouth as if I was going to say something but I choked.

Missy walked up really close to me and said "Come on nerd, say it I dare you but as a warning I know where you parked in the dark parking garage so I'd choose the next words that come out of your mouth very wisely" but I closed my mouth. "Yeah thats what I thought" she said and her and her friends walked past us while Missy nudged my shoulder.

After all the colors that Riley saw she went with the classic white while I went the opposite and chose black.

After all the colors that Riley saw she went with the classic white while I went the opposite and chose black

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

They were both very beautiful so we chose the dresses and went to the cashier to pay for them. The rest of the day Riley and I were flaunting the dresses like we were in a runway. We laughed and laughed all day and we practiced applying the makeup for tomorrow.

We wanted everything to be perfect and for once I expected  something amazing to happen. I dont think I've ever done that before, letting my guard down.

The Next Day..

It was Saturday and Riley and I went to go get our nails done and hair teased. We had our hair and nails done so now we had to do makeup and of course the dressing up. Riley and I havent eaten anything since yesterday so that we could properly fit into our dresses. We walked down the street and we passed three pizzerias, I wanted one so bad but we went to a smoothie shop instead, ugh vegtables.

We went home and we only had two hours left before our dates came to pick us up. I slid into my dress very swiftly and I did Rileys makeup and she did mine. She gave me a smokey eye and some gold eyeshadow to top it off. We were now ready and we heard the doorbell ring. Riley texted Farkle to pick her up from my house and I gave Lucas directions, I was so exited.

I opened the door to find Lucas standing on my patio and he was wearing a white tux. He looked so hot that the temperature around me sky rocketted. Behind him was a very long white limo, this felt like a fairytale. "Maya, this is for you" he said and held out a beautiful white corsage. I wanted to cry because for once in my life I felt like Cinderella.

He opened the box that it was in and slide it on my wrist. "Are you ready to go" he said and I couldnt speak so I just nodded and smiled very widely. I linked arms with him and said goodbye to Riley. We walked down the stairs on my patio and into the limo. The limo ride there was very quite because I only lived five minutes away from the school.

Once we got there the parking lot was completely filled but luckily we found a space. When we stopped Lucas got out of the car, went around on my side and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the entrance. We were surrounded by people but I didnt see missy. We had so much fun dancing and when Riley arrived we danced as well.

Most of the night we soent on the dance floor. The music stopped and the principle apeared on stage. He said something about the king and queen anomination. I looked at the ballat and one of the choices were Maya and Lucas. I was so surprised, I wonder if he entered us. They counted up the ballets and they were about to announce the king and queen.

"And this years king and queen are.. Lucas and Maya," he said and I felt the hot spotlight on my skin. Lucas came up next to me and took my hand while he led me on stage. They put crowns on us and they gave me flowers. I honestly felt like I was gonna cry. When I turn to face Lucas he was runnig away and suddenly I felt something sticky on me. I look to see and it was red paint.

They dropped red paint on me from above the stage. I hear laughter and I see Missy and Lucas pointing and laughing at me before Missy leans in and kisses him on the lips. Everyone there is laughing at me. I threw the flowers and the crown on the floor before I ran off stage. Missy and Lucas walked up to me "Did you seriously think that Lucas liked you," said Missy.

"Being seen with you was torture, I'm just glad its over," said Lucas and Missy started laughing histerically. I ran out of there with tears down my face. I ran home with my dress dragging on the floor. I was really cold and was left humiliated in front of the whole school. I will never forget this.

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