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CHAPTER 6: This Time It's True!

It's midnight and your still up surfing the net.

It was a very peaceful night until you heard someone screaming.....

"AAAAHHH! Help! Somebody help us!!" a woman was screaming

"Help! Princess don't come out" a man said.

I heard that voice, you said in your mind.

Did he called me princess?....

"Oh no! Is this true????! No it's just a dream" you said

" But the scream was coming inside the house".

You hurriedly made your way to your door and you grabbed the knob. As you about to open the door you heard some gunshots.


"Oh no! that's one, no I'm dreaming" you said, then another gunshot was released.

"Oh God make it stop" you were crying in agony.

Four shots followed. Then you opened the door and you saw a man with a mask. You were weaponless and he has a gun. He looked at you and pointed the gun at your face.

"I knew those eyes, I've seen it before" these are the words in your head until you saw a tattoo, it's the same in your dream. "No this is not true" you said in your head.

Then you realized that he was pointing the gun at you. You closed your eyes because you have nowhere to go because he might shoot you if you take one single move.

The minutes passed and you felt nothing so you decided to open your eyes.

The man was not there anymore.

You hurriedly went to your parents room and you were shocked...

They were lying on the floor.. full of blood.........cold.........LIFELESS....

"NO!!!!,NO!!!,NOOOOOOOO..... Eomma, Appa don't leave me please.." you kept on saying these words while tears flow from your eyes...

Then you saw a paper on your father's side.

"What's this?"


"여러분의 인생을 비참하게 이제 내 차례"

( "It's now my turn to make your life miserable")

You were shocked.

"OMO! Who did this??? My parents are too kind to be treated like this... Mom, dad, I promise that I will look for the killer I promise you" you said as tears burst from your eyes....

You were now full of your parents blood, You called the hospital so they can get your parents and after that you call the police. "Tattoo on the left arm, What is it? Yes a dragon and I'm sure about it" you said in your head..


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