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'if I could take away the pain and
put a smile on your face
baby I would'


it's crazy how fast things change, one minute you could be excitedly getting ready for a date with a boy you're falling in love with, and the next you can be at the hospital fighting with nurses just so you can have one more glimpse of him.

life's unfair that way, you never have enough time to say what you want; and when you do, its never the right time - so you live either never saying anything, or saying too much. I can't tell which is worse at times.

it's weird to think that in this very moment someone is lying alone in their death bed, balancing between life and death or reuniting with an old lover, tightly wrapped in a warm embrace or writing a suicide note, pondering different ways to say goodbye. right this moment someone's heart is fluttering from a first kiss and someone's is breaking from a goodbye

but most of all, it's weird to know that just hours before you were talking to the one you care for so damn much, planning a crazy date, and now they're laying in a hospital bed.

I just don't know what to think of life anymore, as soon as things begin to start off the right way there's always something there that ruins it, something that gets in the way, something that causes endless pain.

but when you love someone the way not even words can describe, you deal with it. You deal with the fact that you'd rather be with him, living through a life of eternal pain than not being with them.

sometimes you just don't get enough time to be with that person, to experience the laughter, the pain, the sorrow, the happiness and most of all, the love.

I guess everyone's their own version of a book - some just don't have enough pages to write their happy ending.

it was a short part but I just felt like writing something meaningful and heart warming, since there isn't alot of that in this book. lmao it's 11:40pm and I'm dead tired so imma  sleep now, goodnighttttt 💕

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