47 2 0

Kayla: This place is wonderful

Princeton: I know right

Kayla: Thanks for letting me come.

(MB and the GIRLS WALK IN)

Felicia: Go on KaylaMon .

Kayla: Lol stop it

Lanae: This place is wonderful.

Jordyn: You could say that again.


11:00 AM.........

Roc: Hey guys I am getting really bored let's do something.

Felicia: Yeah how about we all plan a vacation to California for 2 weeks?

Kayla: Definitely I am working with Lanae, and Felicia can work with Jordyn and we can have about $20,000.

Lanae and Jordyn: True!

RayRay: Count me in!

Roc Royal: I can chill

Prodigy: Let's get ready

Princeton: I'm all in.

Jordyn: So we should book our flight for 2 weeks in Los Angeles, California
And At the Luxurious Hotel Hilton.

Kayla: On it it is booked and we are leaving in 4 days.

Lanae: Don't forget about the rental for our car. I already did it we are driving a Suburban Honda Truck that can fit all of us.

Felicia: We make the best Team.

MB: Right

Princeton: So guess we'll see you guyerz later we know you guys need to go home and speak to your moms... byee!

Felicia: Princeton(Punch Buggee) guyerz is my word.

( Everyone Goes Home)
(Kayla drives Jordyn&Lanae)
(Felicia Drives Home)

(Felicia At her house)

Felicia: What do you guys think about this bathing suit for cali?

Kayla: Definitely it matched with your skin tone.

Jordyn: Do you guys like this white belly crop too?

Lanae: Yeah and what do you guys think about this outfit?

(THE GIRLS SPENT 2 HOURS PACKING)............. They fell asleep at 2:30 pm.............


Roc Royal: Does this outfit look cool for Felicia?

Guys: Yeah

Prodigy: Do you guys like these shorts & T-shirt for Lanae?

RayRay: Yeah bro don't worry guys we look good for the ladies.

4 days go bye...........

At the Airport.... Getting on Plane

Jordyn: Well here we are guess this is our plane guys.

Kayla: My seat is nice and comfy.

Lanae: Flight Attendant can I have 2 ginger ales please, thanks?.

Felicia: Lanae why you ordered so early we just got on the plane?

Lanae: Just in case I throw up😯.

Jordyn: Lol

8 hours go......


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