The Titans has arrived finally. They were riding the car that Star took them on but it was different. It was a limousine. As a popular star or anyone would have.
Beast boy's POV
"Finally,we have arrived in Texas! Now that we are here,where are we going?"
"Beast boy i think you'll like the place where we are going. But first we have to change and take a rest at my place" Star said.
We arrived at a huge mansion.
"You mean this is yours and your brother's place?" I questioned.
"Well,go ahead and see for yourself."
"Woaahh.. Star is this where you are staying??"
"Yes" both Star and her brother said
"Well,BB. We should get inside you know ? Maybe there's video games" Cyborg said with a smirk
"I'll just read my book. Star is there a library where i could read?" Raven said
Same old Raven.
"Of course,Raven. It's on the 2nd floor. And to you're left. By the way Raven your room will be beside it and mine. Ask anything if you need something"
Well better leave them be.
Later in theafternoon...At the gym...yes they have a gym on the first floor and a studio beside it.
Star's POV
My brother and I had sparring match. Actually it's more like a competition between me and him. Blackfire would do the same but for now she doesn't want to fight.
My friends were standing watching us fight. I guess i can be competitive sometimes.
"So,brother are you gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?" I said fiercely.
"I think I'll go with the hard way sis."
I get in my ready position and my brother too.
Also we have weapons,not the real ones. I got Elecktras(Daredevil) kind of weapon. And my brother got a sword. We were wearing the taekwondo uniform,my belt was in black and my brother has yellow.
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Star's weapon
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Martin's weapon
Practicing was tiring at first but i guess it's cool at the same time. And so the match begins.
Time skip to the end of the match.
Everyone's view
Starfire is really an amazing person and a beautiful creature. She has many talents in her sleeves. The match was intense. She got the moves of a great fighter and her brother too. We applauded both her and her brother. We are impressed. Star won the match.
"Star that was incredible!" Robin yelled
"Good job Star!" Cyborg yelled
"Nice moves!" Beast boy yelled
"Impressive." Raven said.
"Thanks guys. By the way dinner should be ready soon" Star said to us.
"Great,I'm starving to death" Beast boy whined and said.
"Also,you're welcome to see me perform at a local restaurant. Maybe we could eat there?" Star suggested.
"Sure,Star." Cyborg agreed.
"Can we like go already please??" Beast boy said but gets smacks back of his head by Raven.
"Calm down beast boy we have time so we should get ready now"
"Yeah,BB. Thanks Raven he needed that. Oh and Star can i talk to you alone?" Robin said and asked.
"Okay,Robin" Star said
The others went back to their rooms except Starfire and Robin.
Star and Robin's view.
"Robin what is it that you want talk about?" Star asked politely and confused a bit.
"You have been a little weird since we got here Star. Is there something you want to tell me?"
Starfire hesitate a little but said "Robin,if I was hiding something from you,i would've told you immediately..."
"I know. I mean it's not like you are hiding a secret from me right?"
"Robin.. if i tell you my secret you might get mad at me even when i didn't tell you sooner.."
"Star,just tell me the truth. I promise i won't get mad at you."
"I.. umm.. secretly got close in contact with Red X while nobody was around. That's why i declined the requests to go have pizza,the movies.etc..I sneaked out secretly to meet him.."
"You did what?! Why would you do that Star?!" Robin yelled.
Star knows that it was a mistake talking to Red X but he couldn't stop blackmailing her.
"He was blackmailing me Robin" Star said as she has tears dropping to her face.
"If i ever see him.. he'll be sorry. Star I'm sorry i yelled at you. It's just that I'm mad you didn't tell me sooner." As he got closer to Star,he hugged her and wiped away her tears.
"I'm sorry Robin. I know it was a mistake. I should've told you before."looking up at Robin's face.
"It's okay Star. I forgive okay? Let's just go and meet up with the others."
"Thanks Robin" as she kisses his cheeks.
"But before we head out to the restaurant,i want to ask if you want to go on a date and be my official girlfriend" Robin said with smile
"I would love to Robin! And yes i would love to be your girlfriend!" as Star jumped with joy she stole a kiss from Robin and giggles at his surprised face.