Vairë Carter

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Today was my first day of my job at the shop, so now I'm going back to my flat, alone, again. I forgot to mention, I'm Vairë, Vairë Carter. But this isn't where I should start from with this, in case someone finds it. When I was twelve, I started watching a show called "Doctor Who." It was a pretend show, it wasn't real. I liked it, I wrote stories about it, read stories about it. I would call it an obsession now, really. I went by a different name back then, I'll tell you that later. So I grew up and moved here, England, 'cause that's where the show was filmed. I changed my name and my identity. I go by Vairë now. Wait, I already said that didn't I? Crap, I did. Sorry, off topic.

Like I said, I went through school, moved here and got a job. It was hard changing the name. My parents called and called, but after awhile, I guess they stopped calling. I miss them, my mom, my dad, stepdad, Lilly, (Mia), the rest of my family. My cousins don't even know I moved to England. They're in Wokingham. It's hard, no mother, no father, no family. Christmas is going to be fun.

I wish that I could reach out to them, but when I moved I changed how I look along with my identity. Blond isn't my natural color anymore. It used to be but it went brown, after my father's hair. It's golden blond, blondish brown. It's pretty but different. I'm at my flat now. Oh my God! I think someone broke in! Maybe I just left the door open, I don't see anything missing.

My picture's gone. The one my mom, dad, and sister signed, argh. All it was, was a drawing of the TARDIS, it took me so long to get it right and now its gone. It was one of the only things I allowed myself to take from home, and now it's gone! Wait a second, there's dirt on the ground! Well where else would it be sill- right off topic. Sorry. I'm going to follow it. "It" being the dirt tracks. I mean come on, if you're going to break in, at least cover your footprints. They lead outside, to the porch.

What if they're still out there? Oh god, what if they kill me? Oh my god I'm only nineteen, I can't die! But I need that picture. Well, hope I don't die! Oh my god, (I'm really saying that a lot aren't I?) it's him, it's the doctor. Aaaand he's staring at me. Not in the good way. Crap. I'm going to pretend I don't know him.

"Um, hi." Argh. Way to go Vairë that's a great way to start things off. "Do you by any chance have a drawing? Or have you seen someone leave here with one? Because it's very important to me and I kinda want it back."

He's still staring at me. I just realized that it might be because right after everything I do, I write something down. Crap.

He's looking at me strangely, "Yes, I do. It's right here. Where did you get this picture from?"

"Isn't it obvious?" A second has passed. I sigh, " I drew it."

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, "Doctor Who", doesn't exist here. By here I mean this universe. I just woke up one morning and "BAM!" No "Doctor Who." No reference, history, or mention of it existing. None at all. I checked twice. I mean, yeah, there's the Doctor, but that's just random websites for people who've seen him. I actually recorded some of the episodes from my original universe, so I can watch them.

"When did you draw it?" He asks. I hesitate. "Please just tell me, I'll give it back if you do."

We're on to bribing now I see. My answer is immediate. "I drew it while looking at a picture of an old police phone box, when I was younger. It was for a history project, at school. It has some signatures on the back of my parents and sister because at the time I thought it was really good. It's kinda important to me though, so I'll pay you if I have to so I can get it back."

"Ok here, sorry. But why do you still have it? I mean, I understand having it, but framed? Surely you drew a better one, right?"

Ok, so right now I'm trying not to give anything away. " Yeah but this was my first good one that I drew."


"What's your name?"

"I'm the Doctor. What's yours?"

I'm going to tell him. That came out wrong. Almost like something Jack would say. Anyway, "I'm... Vairë."

He's sighing. "As an apology, I will offer you one trip. Just ONE. And only because my ship is forcing me to."

"A trip where?" I asked, "And how do I know you won't just kidnap me and take me somewhere?"

"Do I look like a kidnapper to you?" He's giving me the skeptical look. It's kind of cute.

"No. I don't think so."

Oh my god. He's looking at the notebook. I can't let him see it; it has parts of episodes in it. Oh crap.

"What's in the notebook?"

"Um, nothing. Why do you ask?" Wow. That was an utterly brilliant way to throw him off your tail. Another great one to go down in the books.

"Just wondering why you keep writing stuff down."

"Oh, um, just a habit I picked up after a while and never dropped."

"Oh. Can I see what your writing down?"

Oh, crap. He can't see it. Um, I could rip out the pages out. Yeah, that's great idea that'll totally work. I am queen of stupid ideas today, aren't I? "Um, actually there are some things in here that I actually like to keep private, so if you don't mind I'm going to have to choose to decline that offer."

Oh! He's asking me something, "Why are they private?"

"Because I said they are."

"Fine, sorry."

"So, about that trip? Do I still get it? Or since I wouldn't show you my notebook, you're just going to leave?"

"I-" He starts to speak. "I'll still give you trip, because my ship is extremely insistent on it."

My reply hopefully sounds nonchalant. "Ok. How do we get to your ship?"

He points over behind my flat, off to the right of the porch. "It's that direction. You see that blue box? That's my ship."

"Ok, but how do we get there?"

He's looking at me like I'm crazy, "We go through the front door," he said slowly, "and then we walk around the building."

You know what, I'm really hungry for adventure. "Or, we could go my way." I'm going to climb down the side of the building, one sec.

Ok, I'm down. He's looking at me funny, I'm going to yell up to him. "Are you going to come down or stand there all night?"

He's starting to climb down, oh my God I need to look away. I should look away now. His shirt rose up a little. Ok, I completely and utterly lied earlier, he isn't just cute, he's actually really sexy in person. I think he noticed me staring, oh god I'm blushing. Stupid, stupid, betraying, body. I'm acting like a fangirl, I need to stop. I'm not a fangirl, I'm a badass girl who gets visions and sees things.

"Ok, the TARDIS is just over here." He pauses. "Do you normally climb down the side of your building to leave?"

"Nah, it's jus' something I did for the first time."

"Oh, ok. Here let me unlock the door." He's pulling out his key. Oh my god! My key is warm; does it mean it goes to the TARDIS? What if it does? I'll ask her.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, I'll put on the randomizer."

"Ok. Can I walk around?"

"Um, sur-, wait we're here, wherever that is." He's furrowing his brow. "I don't recognize this place at all. Hmm. Well, let's go and look around."

Crap, I didn't get to ask her about my key. I'll just ask when I get back.


Tell me if you want more chapters, because I don't know if it's good enough to.

P.S. I might just do one anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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