Chapter seven

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Ciel stretched out on the couch, watching Soot's tail flick back and forth as she napped on Sebastian's stomach. How it continued to move even though she remained asleep, Ciel didn't know, but he found it entertaining. Occasionally, her ears twitched but it wasn't enough to wake her. Ciel was sorely tempted to blow on them and see if that would wake her up, but he restrained.

Instead, he turned his attention to Sebastian. His hand curled around Soot's body, almost cradling her rump as he slept. They made an endearing sight and Ciel couldn't help the small smile that flickered across his lips as he watched them.

He wasn't surprised that Sebastian had fallen asleep. They had opted to stay inside and relax after a rather strenuous day yesterday. They had spent the morning at the aquarium and then went to the thrill park after that. They didn't return until late afternoon and Ciel had promptly collapsed in bed.

Sebastian though, had a meeting at the symphony hall and left almost immediately after they returned. Ciel felt bad for dragging Sebastian out when he had work to do that night, but Sebastian reassured him that he wasn't bothered. He had fun, Ciel knew that much, but seeing the dark bags under Sebastian's eyes this morning had him suggesting that they stay inside.

Sebastian didn't argue and after breakfast, took it upon himself to fall back asleep on the couch. Soot quickly found her own napping spot soon after that, leaving Ciel alone.

However, the quiet apartment gave Ciel time to relax and he shifted on the cushions. Around him, music drifted through the speakers – soft jazz this time, filled with the deep, reverberating pitches from the sax – and Ciel found the music soothing. It eased the remaining tension in his shoulders from yesterday and his eyes started to slide shut as well.

He snapped them open before sleep could overcome him and Ciel stood up with renewed energy. He circled around the couch and into the kitchen where he grabbed a mug from the cabinets. Ciel hummed as he carried it over to the little hot water heater and poured himself some water. He found it amusing that he knew Sebastian's apartment so well despite the fact that only three weeks had passed.

Ciel set the mug down and dipped the tea bag into the water, lost in thought. It was hard to believe that three weeks had passed already. It seemed like just the other day he had arrived and a thick wall stood between him and Sebastian.

The wall had all but vanished over the past week. After the concert last Wednesday, Ciel tried his best not to let the stares of other people affect him. It proved harder than he thought at first and at times, Ciel could feel his face warm when someone stared outright. But he liked to believe that he had made progress from before.

His hands curled around the hot mug and he carried it back into the living room. He placed the cup on the end table and made his way back to the couch that Sebastian slept on.

Sebastian looked peaceful when he slept; lips parted slightly as his chest rose and fell. The crease between his eyebrows that appeared on occasion had vanished, leaving Sebastian's face calm and he looked at ease with himself.

Ciel bent over and rested his forearms on the back of the couch as he watched Sebastian sleep. His breathing slowed to match Sebastian and his fingers twitched, wanting to trace the dark marks under hidden crimson eyes. They marred the pale skin but didn't take away from Sebastian's features.

He nibbled his lip before reaching forward and letting his fingers ghost along soft skin. Sebastian stirred and Ciel froze until he stilled once more. Ciel let out a long sigh and his fingers slipped down, tracing the curve of Sebastian's jaw. He yanked his hand away as he started to skim down the pale expanse of Sebastian's neck.

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