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Chapter Two - [ Careless ]

{ l.w.t }

The whip lashed into my skin one last time as I let out an aggravated grunt. The final whip was always the hardest. My eyes were shut, my teeth were gritted together and I was breathing unsteadily. "That'll teach you," the guard, who was known as Officer Payne, muttered whilst unlocking my handcuffs that held my arms around a post.

I collapsed to the ground, the pain making me writhe. "You think you can disobey a guard, Inmate Tomlinson?" Officer Payne snickered. "You're a little too hopeful." I ignored his remark, my attention focused on my breathing.

I had been beaten everyday for the last two months. It was getting incredibly ridiculous.

"You've had a string of punishments, surprised you're not dead yet," he said. "Now go. Social is now, you've got a good 20 minutes left. Don't cause trouble, or we'll be having this little chat again, understood?"

"Understood," I replied, standing to my feet. Officer Payne dismissed me, pointing out of the door. I walked out of Chastise, hardly being able to lift my feet off the ground.

I arrived in the courtyard for Social. It was loud, I didn't like loud. I shamefully made my way to a park bench on the far end, sitting on it.

I watched the kids with schizophrenia socialising amongst themselves. The mass killers giving evil stares and smirks. The pedophiles picking at themselves to restrain. The anxiety-struck teenagers who looked at everyone in fear. This was my life.

I sat cross-legged, pulling the sleeves of my ripped black sweater down. Ever since I was admitted into the institution, it was like I had lost my mind even more than I already did. The beatings were getting less painful (though, they still hurt like hell), the endless nights of crying had stopped and had been replaced with staring blankly at a ceiling for hours on end.

People made a note to stay away from me. They all knew who I was and why I was admitted. That's the funny thing, even though I was in a different setting with a different lifestyle, I still had no friends, I still had no motive in life and I was still seen as an outcast. My life so far- the first twenty years of my life - as an outcast, can you believe?

I watched as the mass killers made fun of everyone. They were on top, one glare from them could make you shiver viciously, even if it was the hottest day on earth. Yes, their glares were that cold.

"Fresh meat," I heard one mutter to another. Confusion washed over me; no one had been admitted for about a year. Anyone who was new to the institution was talk for quite some time. I searched the court yard, attempting to find a face that wasn't familiar.

I found her.

The girl looked awfully petrified (not that I could blame her), attempting to distract herself by fiddling with her hair. I could see the fear written on her face, her pure, innocent face. Which led me to the question - what was someone innocent doing in this horrible place?

The mass killers smirked to one another. It was clear they wasn't to go rough her up and give her a fright. They began walking toward her and I watched as she began to cower in fear.

"What is a small whore like you doin' here, huh?" One of the guys spoke to her in a harsh tone. I recognised him as Shahid Khan, or as the inmates like to call him, "Naughty Boy". He tries to act like some tough guy, but really, he reminded me of a greasy chicken nugget.

"What's it to you?" The girl spoke back, hesitating to stand up for herself. Naughty was taken back by her words and I saw him whisper something to another. I quickly ran toward the group, standing in front of the girl.

"You're so inconsiderate, pal. Seriously, how old are you? Grow up. Stop harassing her, you're about as cool as twelve year olds using Mac filters. Fuck off," I growled. Always have struggled to bite my tongue.

Naughty raised a fist, but I was quick to catch on. I kneed him in the gut, making him lean over in pain. He winced when I attacked him again, pushing him down on the floor. "Fuck o-off, Louis! I'm sorry!" He cried out, shielding his face while I continued to assault him.

"You think you're great because you were involved in a massacre, think you're top shit, eh? When you were just a small part in the big play. How does it feel to be riding on the back of someone else's career?" I insulted him more. His face nose was bleeding and his lips were swelling and swelling.

"Tomlinson!" Officer Styles yelled from across the courtyard. I froze, getting off Naughty and turning to face him with a dark expression. "Do I even have to escort you? Get into Chastise, right now!" He ordered, his voice incredibly loud and gruff.

I pulled the collar of my jersey up, diverting my gaze from Officer Styles and looking at the frightened girl. Not exactly the first impression she expected, I suppose. I exited the courtyard, preparing for the punishment that would await me in Chastise.


bit short, im sorry

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