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~ Wright from the star, you were a thief you stole my heart and I your willing victim. I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all pretty and with every touch you fixed them.~ _ Pink (just give me a reason)

|| Where are you now. Was it all in my fantasy. Where are you now. Were you only imaginary. Where are you now. Atlantis, under the sea, under the sea, where are you now, another dream. The monsters running wild inside of me, I'm faded, I'm faded, so lost.|| _ Alan Walker ( faded)

• L'amore é un punto di arrivo una conquista ma, non esiste prospettiva senza due punti di vista[... ]. L'amore rende ciechi devo dirtelo e io devo smettere di cercare le scarpe nel frigorifero.• _ Fedez

My Little Heart Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora