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Mystic was origanaly named Yuuko. She is on of Jazy's OCs.

Slender: We have a new proxy.
Mystic: Come on I dont have all day!
Everyone came downstairs.
Slender: This is Mystic or Yuuko. Mystic take off your hood.
Mystic took down her hood. Her long white hair fell out. ((She Only Wears White)) BEN had a mischievous smirk. She showed her sharp teeth and let out a deep growl. He jumped back.
Mystic: You dont mess with me I wont bit you.

Some info on Mystic:
Human Name: Yuuko Mizuki
Creepypasta Name: Mystic Killer
Age: Unknown
Way Of Killing: Uses her sharp teeth, sinkimg them into there neck, killing them.
Looks: Wears Only White. Has a cut on right cheek, blood from previous victims on/around mouth, black diamond on forehead,white eyes, white hair, and very pale skin.
Personality: Mystic can be harsh at times. She hates being touched and has a bad short temper. Her way of scaring other Creepypastas is to let out a deep growl.
Crush: ???

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