The Signs as Nature Feelings

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Aries: observe everything off an edge of a cliff

Taurus: see/enter the sea for the first time or after a long time

Gemini: chasing a butterfly in a garden and discover new flowers

Cancer: blow a bunch of dandelions and watch them get lost in the air

Leo: that cool breeze that touches your face on a very sunny day

Virgo: watch the most starry night of the year by yourself (perfect <3)

Libra: stepping on very soaked grass

Scorpio: find the prettiest of the roses but end up hurt by their thorn

Sagittarius: run in the rain while looking for some place to hide, but also have a lot of fun

Capricorn: listen to the cutest bird sing ever

Aquarius: help a baby turtle on the beach

Pisces: have this little ladybug walking on your skin

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora