Chinese Food.

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Requester: No one because I have no friends that ship my ships, lol.

Prompt: A and B are not friends, but they aren't quite arch enemies either. A goes to a new local Chinese place and finds that B is working there. B is assigned to their table, A takes advantage of the situation, taking jabs at his such as, "You're not Chinese." Or "Did you finally find your calling?" And "Do you make the cookies?" How does B react?

Ship: Jachlan (Craftbattleduty and JAYG3R)

Genre: banter, AU, and idk.

Warnings/Notes: This is Jachlan because I'm Jachlan trash. If you disagree with my Jachlan or Jeston shippy-ness, then you are dead to me. And you'll probably see a lot more of them in this Oneshot smattering, so stop now if you want. Or you can suffer threw and vote and stuff! Ether works! That's all! Have fun reading! Hope you enjoy!!!


I walk down the street rocking my new leather jacket that I stole from some guy in the locker room, he won't mind, I'll make sure of it.

Look, I'm not that bad, it's just that people are scared of me, and I use it to my advantage. Is that really so bad? Actually, never mind, I really don't care.

A familiar smell fills my nose, and my stomach makes an inhuman noise. Well, I guess it's time for dinner! God knows there won't be any at home.

I continue walking down the street, following the smell. Eventually I am outside of a newly opened Chinese Resteraunt.

Lucky for me, Chinese is one of my favorite foods. I gladly open the doors and walk in. I am greeted by low lighting, plates clanking, and probably the most amazing smell. I smile as a nice waitress walks my way. She asks me how many will be joining me. I give her a small smile, nicely telling her that it will be only me. She politely nods and turns around, silently signaling me to follow her to my table. I do as I'm told and slide into the booth she took me to, she hands me my menu, telling me that my server will be here soon.

I start looking around on the menu, even though I already know what I'm getting. "Hello sir can I take your ord- Jay? What are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice say to me, I quickly whip my head up to see Lachlan standing there, he was in a tight fitting black shirt, with silver buttons running along the front, and in gold writing, the name of the place I was at. To go along with his out fit were black slacks that fit a little too good- if you know what I mean- a black apron, and black dress shoes with red pinstripes running down the sides. His hair was in a strong quiff, and a dark dark gray beanie covering some of it. Dang, he looked good!

I suddenly felt a bit worried about how I looked, looking down at my outfit which was a red and black plaid button up, the leather jacket I got earlier, dark blue skinny jeans, with white tennis shoes with blue pinstripes running down the sides, my hair was in a quiff that looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I quickly composed myself going to answer him, but before I could he talked.

"Isn't that Martin's jacket?" He said with a chuckle in his voice,

"Yep." I responded confidence clear in my voice, he may be gorgeous but I still keep my cool around him. Well, most of the time...

"Cool, well what'd you want?" He asked me, not fazed by my answer.

"Chicken chow main, pork fried rice, steamed rice, and sweet-n-sour chicken." I answered, ordering my usual.

"Okay, and anything to drink with that Jay?" He asks me, already writing down my answer. It may be weird for people that aren't friends to know so much about each other, but that's just how we are, and we know a lot about each other.

"Like you don't already know." I tell him, whilst giving him a look- the look- while he just writes down my drink order.

"Cool, cool. Your order will be with you soon sir." He says, a smile playing on his lips as he said sir.

I simply roll my eyes and shoo him off with my hand, of course watching him walk away... I mean, why not right?

I sit, waiting patiently for Lachlan to come back. Not only because I'm starving, but also because I want to see that sexy beast again. From the way his hair sits in a perfect quiff, to the way he walks with just the right amount of swagger. Not too little, but not so much that people think he's arrogant.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by Lachlan him self, he has my food, drink, and soup, that now that I think of it, I never told him what soup I wanted. Yet, he places the exact soup I wanted down in front of me. I tell ya, can this guy get any more incredible?

He starts to walk away, asuumeingly because he wanted to leave me to eat in peace, but that's the exact opposite I want right now. I would much rather have him join me, which I don't see what's really wrong with that, considering that there's no one else here...

As quickly as I can, I think up something to make him stay.

"So have you finally found your calling?" I ask him, he looks at me confused, to which I respond with gesturing to the building surrounding us with my head. He seem to realizes what I'm getting at because he quickly responds.

"Ahh, heh no, I'm not really that good at cooking- let alone Asian food- but I've heard I'm pretty good with people, so I thought this might work for me. At least for a little while..." He trails off.

"Mmm, well I'm pretty shocked that they actually let you work here.." I say with sarcasm in my voice. I raise my hands behind my head and look at him with a side glance to see his reaction.

"Humm? What'd ya mean?" He asks quirking his head to the side.

"Well it just that, well, you're not exactly Asian, let alone Chinese, so I just thought, well you know." I say smirking.

He takes a small step back, looking around like a mad man before looking back to me. "Shhhhh!" He shushes me bringing a finger to his lips, "Don't tell anyone! No one knows." He says in a hushed tone, finishing with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, looking at him with an eyebrow raised. I gesture at him to get him to sit down. He returns the gesture by rolling his eyes at me, but sits down anyway. "I have a very serious question for you." I say making my voice as serious as possible.

"What? A-are you okay? What's wrong? I-"

I cut him off by placing my finger over his lips. Whilst trying my hardest not to blush. "Shh shh shhhh." I (sorta) say whilst slowly dragging my finger down his lips, which causes his bottom lip to be dragged down with my finger, and them bounce back into place. I take a second to look over his face, which I noticed had a faint blush painted over his perfect cheeks. I inwardly smirk and look him dead in the eyes.

"D-do you make the cookies?" I ask him seriously. He slams his hands in the table, "Are you serious?!" He asks/yells. I nod, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Really? Really!? That's your question? Out of all the things you could've asked, you ask that? Really?" He says, a bit quieter than his last outburst.

"What, is there something else I should've asked? Something else you wanted me to say?" I innocently ask quirking my head to the side, he looks like he's about to explode, before he suddenly calms down.


He says almost incoherent. He starts to stand up, asuumeingly to get back to work.

"Where're you going?" I ask, looking up at him.

"To go get you a box obviously you're not going to finish that here." He says to me like it was obvious.

"Hey Lachlan?" I say as he starts to walk away.

"Yeah Jay?" He says turning around to look at me.


"No problem."

And with that he walks away.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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