Ally:oh its our turn to get ice cream
Austin:i'll pay the lady would like to have fruity mint swirl and i'll have oreo cookie
Cashier:Well your total is $2.56
Austin:*pays and hands ally her ice cream*
Ally:*licks it* thanks Austin *hugs him*
Austin:*smiles and hugs back*
???:Austin !!! *Hugs him*
Austin:*doesn't hug back* kira what are you doing here
Kira:Here's my choice i'll be your girlfriend
Austin:*confused and gets a flash back*
Flash back
Austin:Kira please be my girlfriend
Kira:i'll have to think about it Austin
end of flash back
Austin:*laughs nervously* oh yeah I asked you to be my girlfriend
Kira:*smiles and hugs him*
Ally:*hurt* um I gotta go *runs away*
Austin:*feels bad for ally*
Kira:gotta go but lets hang out out tomorrow
Austin:Oh oh