Nash imagine

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Joy's POV:
It's summer and I'm with my best friend, Matthew. I'm at the park with Matt. "JOY COME HERE I THINK I FOUND A DEAD BIRD!!" Said Matt. I ran over there to see if he actually did find a dead bird. Turns out he did. He picked up a stick and started poking it. "Matt!! Stop poking the poor bird!" He stopped poking it and asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him later that day.

*At the party*
I was with Matt the whole time while Nash was at his and Matt's apartment. Me and Matt saw a couple of fans and they all hate me because I'm dating Nash.

Nash's POV:
I was going through Twitter when I saw pictures of Joy and Matt kissing. I didn't want to believe that she cheated on me but I did anyways. So fans were saying that the pictures were photoshopped and some were saying that they weren't. I decided to call Joy and tell her to come home.

Joy's POV:
I got a call from Nash and he told me to go to his house so I told Matt and he took me there. When I got there Nash asked me if I cheated on him with Matt. "No. I didn't cheat on you with Matt. I would never do that to you, Nash! I love you!" "Say what you want you slut. I have pictures." Nash said. He showed me pictures of me and Matt kissing. I can't believe that he believed the pictures. They were photoshopped. We got into and huge fight and he called me a bunch of stuff that I can't even repeat. I started crying and he told me to get out of his house. I ran over to my house. I went into my room and laid on my bed. I decided to call Matt and tell him what was going on. In the next 5 minutes he was at my house.

*1 year later*

Me and Matt started dating. He has been helping me so much. He's been the best boyfriend ever. Thanks To Nash😷, I now have the best person in my life all to myself.❤️


This goes to EspinozaGrier  . I hope you liked it! This imagine really sucked but I hope you guys liked it.😂❤️😊🌮🌮

Magcon Imagines and PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora