All lost will be found part 1 POV: Caesar

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I was up early in the morning walking my lion Nuka I already finished my morning chores it's pretty long but I don't care. I decided to go to the Kwick E Mart cause why not. "Nuka stay here while I go grab a slushy" I told Nuka. I trained him to do that don't ask why. I grabbed my slushy and kept on walking. I saw a flyer "hmm what's this" I said " lost baby Maggie Simpson if found please take to 742 Evergreen terrace no reward... Hmm that baby seems familiar, Nuka we found the baby's parents we gotta tell our homies and tell Brutus that his idea worked, even though there is no reward it's the right thing to do.

Get ready for the final chapter no spoilers, it's a surprise.

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