Seems complicated but its simple(onikafaree)

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onika tanya maraj  A.K.A Nicki  is a 15year old girl trying to find love,but is very picky because of the way her farther behaved and the way her sister(Bianca)  gets treated by her husband(Chris).Growing up all onika has seen is her mother being beaten  till she ends up in a hospital every-night by her father-(Robert),who is a crack head and an alcoholic but she has not seen him  in a long time, she isn't  even sure if he is alive but because of those two men(,especially  her father) she has trust issues


nicki lives with her mother (-carol)and her big-brother( jelani) in Brooklyn she moved here about a year ago,they left Robert back in Trinidad(-if he is still alive)-.Nicki's sister is married,she was pregnant but she miscarried ,she is the oldest, she's 28 she also lives in Brooklyn,but with her husband.Bianca had a job as a teller at a superstore,but she quit because she said"they work to hard and get paid to low".Chris( Bianca's husband) opened a restaurant after Bianca quit because they needed an income.So nicki wanted a job because even if she is only 15 she does not like asking her mother for money-she likes to have money of her own knowing that she worked for it,earned and deserved it.Bianca and Chris gave her the job and are paying her well  so she cant complain.


THERE is summery of the story just to give you the basics,,give me feedback tell me what you think should i go on with the story or.....its my first story so.....;)

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