Chapter 1

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  The darkness surrounds me as I try and stumble towards the light. The closer I get, however, the colder I feel... and I feel like someone is clenching my throat harder and harder, as I get closer and closer. As I'm on the verge of suffocating, I give up in my effort in this confusing situation. I relax as the darkness envelops me, and allows me to breathe.

Before I can try again, I wake up, about to fall off the bed and my blanket about to choke me.

"What was that dream?" I mumble to myself. I sit up correctly in bed and try to adjust my eyes to the light. I look around my beige room with all of my Minecraft, Fallout, and Walking Dead posters. My eyes drift towards my calendar in the corner of my room, as per usual. After getting my glasses off of my nightstand and putting them on, I see that today was the day that would change my life. My first day in high school would be tomorrow. Today, however, I would board the zeppelin to the floating school. Rectiora Politioraque Ariolos Academy (or RPAA) was a premier school, and the highest in all of the country of Iluze. Getting into there requires you to have exceptional abilities in something a plebeian would have, along with at least a four out of ten ranking in magical ability. A score that high is usually achieved by the time someone is an adult, but all the freshmen are going to be fourteen or fifteen. So after today, I'll be part of the elite! I sit up in bed and stretch, attempting to get ready in time. I make sure I pack the rest of my things, basically everything that wasn't already there, my calendar, posters, the little cosmetics I have, and my PJs.

After putting on my clothes and lipgloss I just put the rest of my small belongings into my white leather purse. I then walk downstairs to say goodbye to Mother and Father. Father looks over his shoulder to see me and walks up to me. He then puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles expectantly.

"Keep the Sangrez family proud, mia bambina. If you fail we'll fall a caste or two, and you now full and well the punishment that goes with that much dishonor."

"Yes, Father. I shall succeed and get our family back to the Auctoritate Nobilitatis social rung from my last mishap. And I am sorry again about my wrong doings."

"It's fine, mia cara, just don't mess up again. Also, Rebecca," Mother began. "make sure you get a good guardian, try and get one of the last five. Those always show dominance and power in the individual... it should help with our predicament. And if you can, get the eleventh guardian, Vesimies."

"I will, Mother. but I must be going now, or else both will be postponed until next year, when the zeppelin comes around again." I say in a polite but rushed tone, too anxious for my own good.

They wave goodbye and go back to their adult conversations in the living room. I happily march outside, relieved to be free from my parents' watchful eye and joyful that I can start school and make my family one of the ANs again. I remember the lesson in class that taught me all about Iluze and smile. Everyone was so confused, it was great.

"Class, settle down, today is a complicated class, so you best pay attention." My fourth-grade teacher said in her usual monotone but ironically happy tone as she walked into class. Everyone sat down with only some rebuttal, which considering most kids in Iluze, was five types of miracles all happening simultaneously. I, however, was the obedient one in class, and got teased for it more often than not. But it was always behind my back, since I was also the highest power-wise in the class. Heck, if I ratted on them they would've been in jail until just about now. But by then, most people knew what would get you into major trouble.

"Ok class, take out a new sheet of notebook paper, not your notebooks. This is something you should keep into adulthood. Better yet, write it in pen and put it in a special folder." She said. from there I just can't remember anything specific for the life of me. But I remember, so does everyone else as we have to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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