chapter 1

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yeins pov

its the first day of school today so i woke up early and finish my morning rituals.i was heading downstairs when i saw someone talking to my oppa, i didnt see her face.but i think it was oppas girlfriend but i didnt bother to ask her name..

I was going to the kitchen to eat but my oppa called me" yein come here for just a minute" i just answered okay...

"why did you call me oppa?" i asked

"i just want you to meet my girlfriend taeyeon , yein this is taeyeon my girlfriend, taeyeon this is yein my sister." he said

"nice to meet you unnie" i said

"nice to meet you too yein"taeyeon unnie answered

"i hope you take care of my oppa."

"i will yein."

"kanshamnida unnie, oppa i will go to school now. bye unnie and oppa"

bye yein, they both said

hi readers i hope you like my story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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