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I looked at my best friend, Alison. She was so pretty. She had dark hair and light eyes. I don't know exactly what they look like because unfortunately I can't see color. Well most people in the world can't. But I looked at Ali again. Then she suddenly turned to me and smiled.

"still trying to figure out my hair and eye color?" she asked.
"how do you always know?" I sighed.
"because I do the same thing" she said.

We continued walking back to our apartment. We had walked to the store to buy some snacks because we rented some movies. I could finally see our street sign "Ocean Avenue" around the corner. I was so relieved that we were close because my ankles were starting to ache. I looked at the trees, the day seemed nice. The trees were thick and tall. I saw little birds jumping on the branches. They looked beautiful. I bet they'd look even more beautiful in color.

I wish I could see what it looks like, I thought to myself. 'It' as in color. What did color look like? Legend has it when you find your soulmate is when you'll finally see color. Sometimes I swear can hear my soulmate. Honestly sometimes I can feel him. Maybe I've passed him in the streets and didn't realize but I've definitely felt him before. My mother could see color. She'd always say it looked "blue, purple, or yellow." I never understood what she meant though. I knew she was explaining colors to me but I just couldn't understand. She found her soulmate at 19. I'm 19. But I haven't found mines.

"Vanessa!" Alison shouted.
"what?" I asked.
"you've been staring at nothing again, we're here!" she huffed. I laughed.

I took out the keys to our apartment and unlocked the door. As soon as I stepped in I took off my shoes and it felt so wonderful.

Suddenly I started hearing a voice sing.
"do you hear that Ali?"
"what Van?"
"that singing, it's a guy singing"
"maybe it's your soulmate Vanessa" she laughed sarcastically.

Little did she know it was him. I knew it was. He sang these words...
"I feel you when I sleep, I see you in my dreams, I know you can hear me, baby please shout out to me."

If I'm being completely honest it almost sounded as if he was singing to me. The words just felt so deep.

"what's he singing this time?" Ali asked.
"I don't know but it's sounds like it's meant for me. only for me to hear it"
"you're delusional Vanessa"

Sometimes Alison can get on my nerves. Shes so doubtful. I think she's just mad because her soulmate doesn't sing to her. I actually feel bad for her, she says she never feels anything related to her soulmate. Only a feeling of loneliness. Maybe he's depressed? Or maybe Ali's depressed. Nah she has me.

"Van what's your biggest fear?" Ali asked out of nowhere.
"my soulmate dying"
"you know why Ali"
"right. because you become blind is that it?"
"yes obviously"
"Vanessa don't worry if you ever become blind I'll help you. I'll help you cross the street, use the toilet" she started laughing before she could finish.

"Alison you have the worst sense of humor. that isn't even funny, it's rude"
"blah blah, tomatoe, tomato"
I elbowed her lightly on her arm.

I went to the bag where we had the movies. I grabbed one that was supposedly a comedy and put it inside the DVD player.

At least 30 minutes into the movie I started to hate it. It was funny but I couldn't see it correctly. I've actually always hated watching movies because I could never see the color, but Ali always insisted in watching one. I on the other hand always said we should get old movies that are already in B&W so I wouldn't have to suffer. But no Alison always gets her way. I got up off the couch and headed towards my room.

"Vanessa, where are you going?"
"I don't want to watch the movie anymore"
"please don't say because you can't see the color"
"fine then I won't"
"Van! come on. I can't see the color either but you don't see me complaining"
"because Alison you don't care as much as I do"
"don't be stupid and come watch the movie!!"
"stupid? well let me be stupid then but I don't want to watch it anymore. watch the movie by yourself"

I heard her saying something else but I walked to my room anyways. I feel like Ali always treats me like a child because she's 21 and I'm 19. She's always talking about how she's more 'mature' and 'sophisticated'. Whatever. She just doesn't understand me. No one does. I want to see color more than anything in the world. That's why my life is literally dedicated on finding my soulmate. I know I'll find him. Soon.

As soon as I was about to lay down my phone started ringing. A number I didn't know was calling. I answered anyways.

"oh, uh, hi is this Vanessa?"
"yeah, who's this?"
"it's Aaron. we met at a party 3 days ago and you gave me your number. remember?"
"kind of. but what's up Aaron?"
"you said if I ever wanted to go on a date to call you"
"oh god did I? that sounds so desperate. UGH! (1975 AYE) well Aaron I guess I have to keep my word"
"cool I'll call you again tomorrow so we can speak better and set something up"
"ok sounds good (feels good) Aaron"
"alright bye"

Aaron. Aaron sounds nice. He gave me a really good vibe. Maybe.. maybe he's the one. This is making me so excited. Finally I might be able to see color. Oh God please let Aaron be the one because I'm raising my hopes really high right now. Tomorrow. We'll see tomorrow. :-)

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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