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The moment I stepped into the ballroom, I wanted to leave.

Too many people, too much noise, too many glittery dresses, and way too many pretentious snobs. Too many ladies shamelessly batting their overly made up eyes every man who passed. Too many perverted men checking out ladies half their age. Too many crowns, too many maids, too many tuxedos. Too many princes and princesses who would undoubtably think that they're better than me.

Definitely not my scene.

It was easy to find the princes. They were all dressed similarly, wearing royal uniforms similar to mine. I was clad in an all-black ceremonial royal military style suit and black dress shoes, a scabbard hanging at my side. I really didn't understand the deal with princes and swords—it's the twenty first century, nobody fights with a sword anymore.

The princesses were a bit harder to spot. I'd expect the fanciest dresses to belong to the heirs of the throne, but it seems that some of the noblewomen really wanted to look like a princess for the night. Their dresses were just as flashy, if not more so. Some of the women who tried too hard look like a mix between Cinderella and Lady Gaga.


All that stated, this place was just too much. Though, that might be coming from my usual hatred of balls. I've just never liked them, honestly. They're too stuffy and pretentious. There are too many noblemen and women trying so hard to suck up to the royal households that their lips may get permanently stuck to our asses. 

In my opinion, balls are just unnecessary. They're just excuses for women to get all dressed up and for men to cheat on their wives. They're reasons for princes and princesses from all over come just to stick their noses in the air and act better than everyone. They're loud, confusing, and incredibly boring. The only things to do are dance and talk to these people, two activities that I'd rather not engage in.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good conversation. Unfortunately, there's no such thing when it comes to balls like this. Conversation with noblemen and noblewomen, Dukes and Duchesses, just consists of them trying to elevate their status by kissing up to me. Conversation with princes and princesses is worse. They brag and brag about how nice their kingdom is. They act like they're so much better than you, like they're superior. That is, until you tell them that you're the prince of Arthur Island. Then suddenly their bowing at your feet and showering you with unwanted kisses. I'd much rather talk to common folk—at least they keep it real.

You see, the princes and princesses attending this ball aren't from anywhere big like England or anything. All of the kingdoms in attendance come from very small, unknown islands. Most people wouldn't know any of them existed. Even Arthur island, which is quite famous within the small islands, is unheard of to most of the world.

You see, Arthur is relatively small. Yet compared to most of the kingdoms in attendance, it's quite big in size and popularity. If you asked someone in America, for instance, about it, they'd look at you funny. On the contrary, if you asked someone from Happerton, one of the smaller islands, they'd act as if my mother were the queen of England or something.

Author is a small island off of the coast of England. There are several small islands in the area, but Author is one of the biggest. The other is Elizabeth Island, AKA the real reason we're having this stupid ball.

Author and Elizabeth islands have had some... conflict in the past. Those conflicts were over a hundred years ago, yet the tension is still alive. Why? Don't ask me. It's all idiotic in my opinion. Ok, we fought a war last century, get over it. I can't understand why our people still don't get along, when none of them were even alive when the wars were going on. I bet half of them don't even know what the war was about—heck, I don't even know!

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