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Levi's lips were soft as they pressed onto mine. I didn't move—I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. I knew that if I kissed him back, it would be wrong in so many ways. First off, he's a guy. Second, I'd just met him tonight.

Yet his lips against mine felt so right.

A battle took place in my head; the urge to push him off and the urge to kiss him back warred within my brain.

He started to pull away after my lack of response. That's when my body took over. As if on instinct, my hand went to the back of his neck, keeping him close. I shut my eyes as I kissed him back, hard.

I was hypnotized by the feeling of his mouth on mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync, fitting together like puzzle pieces. Electricity shot down my spine and spread to every bone in my body.

The arm that was holding me up went weak. It gave out and I crashed to the floor, bringing Levi down with me. Our lips never separated as our chests collided, closing any space there was between us.

Levi held himself up with one forearm, his other hand finding a place on my waist. His touch sent shivers through my whole body. I let the hand I had on his neck move into his soft blonde hair, tugging lightly.

The low moan that escaped him brought me to my senses. I snapped out of my reverie and pulled away as if he'd burnt me. I brought both of my hands to his chest and pushed, sending him tumbling off of me.

Shaking, I stood.

"What the hell was that?" I exclaimed. "Why did you kiss me?"

"W-what?" He stood as well, taking a step towards me.

"Stay the fuck away from me," I said lowly. My fists were clenched and my breathing was heavy. "Now what made you think you could just kiss me?"

His blue eyes shone with hurt as he took a step back. "I... I thought..."

"You thought what? That I was gay? That you could just go ahead and kiss me? Well I'm not, and you can't!"

"You didn't seem too opposed to it a minute ago," he retorted. He stood tall and confident, but his shaking hands have him away.

I closed the gap between us and grabbed him by the collar of his black shirt. "Listen here," my voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. Levi didn't flinch, but the hurt was clear in his eyes. It was almost enough to make me kiss him again. Almost. "I don't know who you think you are, or who you think I am. But I do not like you, and it was not ok for you to kiss me. Now we're going to pretend that never happened, am I clear?"

Levi narrowed his eyes. "Crystal."

"Good," I let go of his shirt, turning to walk back up the hill.

"Just one question," Levi spoke up. I turned back as he continued. "If you're straight, then why did you kiss me back?"

"It doesn't matter!" I snarled, throwing as much anger as I could into the words. "All that matters is that I'm not a fucking fag like you!"

I regretted the words the moment I'd said them, but it was too late to go back now. I turned and ran back up the hill, leaving Levi behind.


I looked up at the plain white ceiling of my bedroom. I'm not sure how long I'd just been laying there, but I knew that the ball was well over now. Romeo was gone.

I can't explain why, but Levi reminded me strangely of the fictional character. Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite stories of all time, and there was just something about the charming prince that automatically made me think of Shakespeare's famous character.

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