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 Dear Diary,


               What is this feeling? A feeling that is pure, but I know i shouldn’t have. Is it wrong to love someone that you know he or she didn’t love you back? Is it wrong to do so? Maybe I should search for friends, friends whom I can tell my secrets with and fast, because I’m running cuckoo.

                Right from the start I knew, i shouldn’t have walked to the alley that day, because boy, I am in SERIOUS trouble right now. If my parents knew my feelings for him right now, I’m gonna get a hell of a spank at my ass.

                I guess this is it. Its time to say goodbye to my feelings. I hope they’re happy that I entomb them in my heart( see this is what I’m saying, me saying that my feelings has feelings, wait what?). I don’t know. I went through a lot today at the gym. Thy was there, and I can see every inch of his muscles. OMG. I don’t know what to say

                Ahem, the point is, I will make a swear to God, that if i never see him for 5 days, I will forget about him. I know, I know “How can you forget about him, Nick? You can’t just keep him in a bottle too?”. At least I tried. Well, I need to go. Breakfast is ready. It seems that I need to keep this book safe at all cost. You may never know when your mom is going to ambush your door saying “Damn son, you’re a black sheep of the family”. GTG XOXO TTYL


Your Only Friend,



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