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Is Haley going to be ok? I really hope so, she is my best friend. Well one of them. I love her with all my heart.

"Haley, Sweetie you have a temperature of 103.6. We need to take you to the hospital." Haley's eyes just about popped out of her head. She hates hospitals! She'll never go ther willingly. She has horrible memories of hospitals. But that's for another time. She looked like she was about to cry. Awwwwee! My poor Haley! I hugged her really close. I know she hates hospitals but she has to go! If she doesn't, she'll get even sicker than she already is. I don't want her to die or anything so I told Mrs.Knight to leave the room so Preston and I could talk to Haley. But first I texted Mrs. Knight asking her to inform our other friends about what's happening. Preston walked over to us. He sat down on the other side of Haley.

"Hey babe, It's gonna be alright." Preston told her. She shook her head and then had this really  painful expression across her face. She almost  immediatley layed her head down on my lap. I ran my hand through her hair. I felt so bad for her.

"Hales, if you want to get better, you have to go see the doctor. He'll take good care of you. We'll be with you the whole time. I promise." Preston said to her


"Please. Babe, we don't want you to get worse. You're still really beautiful but you look like you're about to die. I just want you to get better babygirl. I know you don't like hospitals but you need to go. Please, for me? Come on babe." I said to her in a gentle voice.

She looked at me hesitently before softly nodding her head, which caused another painful expression to cross her face. She tried to stand up but when she did, she just about to faint. So I picked her up and carried her out to the car.


We got to the hospital and Mrs. Knight checked me in, since she was now my legal guardian. We waited about ten minutes before they took me into a room. They too three different tests. They said they would fid out shortly what's going on with me. After about five minutes, three very familar boys walked through the door.

"HALEY! Hey, how ya doing babygirl?" Our friend Jacob, the serious one said. He has brown eyes and dark brown hair that is in a quiff. He was quite hot. He came and down beside me. So did the other two, Nick and Ryan. They're twins. Nick is the more layed back and calm one. Ryan is the more moody and outgoing one. They have dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes.

They all hugged me and i didn't evn hug them back. I was to scared of being in that hospital to do anything. Did I mention that I hate hospitals? I did? Okay, just wondering.

The reason I hate hospitals is because when I was 14, my parents were still abusing me.


They hurt me extremely bad. I don't remember what exactly happened but all i know is that I woke up in a strange room. An older lady was in the hospital room with me, she told me that I had company, I didn't know who it would be, but in walked my parents. They didn't even sit down. They just stood there sending me death glares, if looks could kill. What they said to me that day will always be a memory of how horrible they were to me. My 'father' looked at my 'mom' and gave her a look that she nodded too. "Listen you little bitch, we're through with you! You're very ungreatful to us. You just a fucking, bitchy whore. Don't even think about coming home." said my 'mom'. I wanted to cry, but that would show weakness. My father finished by telling me, "We've already signed you out. Don't come back to our house, you're unwelcome there ever again. Goodbye you fucking bitch." Then they walked out. Since they were gone, I could cry, so I did.


That was five days before I met the boys. I'm so lucky to have them.


My doctor came into the room and had a look that look like tiredness. Poor guy.

"Well Ms. Thompson, we have got the results of your tests back, turns out, you just have a classic case of mono. Nothing that's too serious, within a week, or two on antibiotics you should be back to normal. Take it easy. Rest a lot. Mono is sometimes caused by lack of sleep. Take a couple days off from school. I'll write you a prescription and a doctor's note for school and then you can be on your way." He smiled at me. I smiled back at him. He left and everyone stood up and headed out the door.



Anyways, we got the prescription and the doctor's note and we left. All seven of us headed back to the Knight's household.

On the way there, Parker said to me "Hales, try to get some sleep." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder since he was sitting on my right. After about one minute, I fell asleep.



Heyy, I'm not going to be like those author's that write a lot. I just don't want to. I'm a lazy sloth(; bye hotstuffs hehehe(;

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