0.21 (Part 2)

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Byun Baekhyun

Eomma told me there's this new kid in the village and I wanted him to give a warm welcome. But apparently, Appa won't allow me since he doesn't like me meeting strangers. He's weird. That's why I always play on my own outside. So. . . I just play with my imaginary friends instead and sing for them.

But everything changed when I met him. When his bicycle crashed into me, he did too. I don't know what happened to my mind but, I felt the urge to kiss him. But wouldn't it be too awkward if I kiss a stranger?

"Mianhe." He looked away. It was so cute of him to blush. He stood up and helped me get up. I suddenly felt a spark when he held my hand. It felt. . . magical in sort of way.

"It's okay. I. . . am Byun Baekhyun." I smiled.

"I'm Park Chanyeol." He gave me warm smile.


It was Kyungsoo's birthday party and Lil Maknae and I attended. Kyungsoo is the son of my mother's friend. I introduced Lil Maknae to him a week ago. They became close friends in a week. I kinda felt jealous since whenever they see each other, they suddenly forget about me. I feel like I regret introducing Kyungsoo to Chanyeol. Because now, I feel alone at his birthday party.

"Kyungsoo!" I hear Lil Maknae call Kyungsoo. Seriously, Chanyeol? Why do you have to call Do Kyungsoo infront of my face?!

"Yes, Yeollie?" Kyungsoo grinned.


"I'm going to introduce you to someone." Chanyeol hugged him. I always wanted the clingy Lil Maknae. But hey, I want him to be clingy only on me.

" Who?" Kyungsoo looked up since Kyungsoo is small.

Very small.

"He's younger than you, though." Chanyeol pouted. "Meet. . . Jongin!"

Kyunsoo released the hugged and looked at the person Lil Maknae's pointing at. Pretty sure Jongin is a friend of Lil Maknae since I never met Jongin at all.

"Erm. . . hi, Hyungs!" Jongin waved. I faced at Kyungsoo who looked like the happiest person yet.

"J-jongin. . ." Kyungsoo beamed.

I saw Chanyeol running towards me and hugged me.

"Baekhyun-hyung, let's have some fun!"


Lil Maknae and I started to go to school. We go in the same school so we go home together. Chanyeol seems very happy about it since Kyungsoo and Jongin sometimes visit us in school.

"HYUNG!" I heard Lil Maknae call. He noticed that I wasn't paying attention and I was looking at the butterfly that was flying around.

"Mianhe." I bowed.

"It's okay." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Learn to listen sometimes."

I touch the cheek where Chanyeol kissed me.

I think I'm feeling butterflies now.


I'm leaving. My parents told me that I'm going to continue my studies there at London. I'm leaving Lil Maknae. His parents told me that Chanyeol cried the whole day after I left the park. I don't want to leave Lil Maknae behind. I know I'm too young but I think. . .

I'm having feelings for him.

I know it's wrong but I do.

"Baekhyun! We're leaving." Appa called me.

I bowed my head and went to my parents.

See you soon, Park Chanyeol.


It seems and feels like Baekhyun acts mature than Chanyeol here. .-.

Should I switch their POV? XD

Sorry for the lame UD btw. :((

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