Welcome! [Rules]

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1) NO BULLYING OR RUDE COMMENTS (Only positive ones)

2) There will be deadlines for the contests depending on the theme. I will not accept any more entries after the due date.

3) No spamming

4) Please tag 2 people when entering (so more people join)

5) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

6) Enter by tagging me in a chapter or a comment which the entry is in.

7) Notify me if you believe your interior design is not in the contestants.

8) Only 2 Entries allowed

9) Enjoy!

There will be a first, second and third place with an additional honorable mention(s).
When I post the winners in this book.

1st Place- A follow, 10 votes
2nd Place- 10 votes
3rd Place- 7 votes
Honorable Mentions- 4 votes
NOTE: I know that it's not a lot, but if I enjoy the book or your profile I might add on :)

Thanks! Have Fun! :)

Interior Design ContestsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant